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Open Data as means to promote transparency in land governance
What it takes

Based on practical examples and on-going discussions, this paper critically reflects on prerequisites and conditions to be observed for open land data to contribute to increased transparency and better land governance. Moreover, the paper touches on the question of what open land data and transparency can mean for addressing land corruption which negatively affects the livelihoods and prosperity of many men and women globally. The paper analyses experiences from various existing GIZ land governance projects and the outcomes of a series of wider international debates on open land data as an instrument to in-crease transparency, accountability and participation and to prevent land corruption. The aim is to gain an overview of what aspects related to open data still require more attention by development partners to better inform dialogue between stakeholders, as well as to advise future project planning and imple-mentation on aspects related to (open) data in land governance.

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Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s)

Annette Jaitner, Felix Schilling & Elke Matthaei

Geographical focus