Resource information
Within Nepal, water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE) are vital resources not merely for the current generation, but also for future ones, especially to satisfy the demands of a growing population and to respond to socio-economic changes. The WEFE nexus approach realizes that the management of water, energy, food, and ecosystems must be undertaken in a holistic way. Nevertheless, governments, investors, and other stakeholders face challenges in the management of WEFE resources, particularly in the face of climate change. Notably, a lack of coordination in utilizing such resources can be a source of potential conflict in many areas. On June 19 and 20, 2022, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Department of Water Resources and Irrigation (DWRI) co-organized a co-learning workshop to discuss the challenges and opportunities of integrated management of WEFE resources using the nexus thinking approach in Nepal.