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Displaying 241 - 252 of 1421
Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2016

Groundwater is an important resource for multiple uses in South Africa. Hence, setting limits to its sustainable abstraction while assuring basic human needs is required. Due to prevalent data scarcity related to groundwater replenishment, which is the traditional basis for estimating…

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre 2016

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is increasingly being promoted as a cost-effective means of adaptation to climate change. However, in spite of considerable international press, there is still little evidence to substantiate this claim. This study proposes a method through which the cost-…

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre 2016

Invasive alien plants have a negative impact on ecosystem goods and services derived from ecosystems. Consequently, the aggressive spread of invasive alien plants (IAPs) in the river catchments of South Africa is a major threat to, inter alia, water security. The Olifants River catchment is one…

Institutional & promotional materials
Diciembre 2016

This study analyses Egypt’s agricultural sector and its performance over time, identifies constraints to increasing production and exports, and examines the key role of trade in inclusive agriculture development. After a review of current trends in the agricultural sector and trade policies, the…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2016

The aim of the practical guidelines presented in this document is to support the adoption and usability of the criteria and indicators (C&I) for Sustainable Management of Forests and Rangelands (SFRM) adopted by the 22nd Session of the Near East Forestry and Range Commission (NEFRC). The…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2016

À travers le monde, des millions de personnes dépendent des ressources naturelles telles que les terres, les pêches et les forêts, qui sont utilisées collectivement comme des biens communs. Les biens communs sont essentiels à la culture, à l’identité et au bien-être. Source de nourriture et de…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2016

Millones de personas de todo el mundo dependen de recursos naturales, como la tierra, la pesca y los bosques, que se utilizan de manera colectiva como propiedades comunales. Estas son fundamentales para la cultura, el bienestar y la identidad cultural. Como fuente de alimentos e ingresos,…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2016

The historical legacy in South Africa of apartheid and the resulting discriminatory policies and power imbalances are critical to understanding how water is managed and allocated, and how people participate in designated water governance structures. The progressive post-apartheid National Water…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2016

The UN recognition of a human right to water for drinking, personal and other domestic uses and sanitation in 2010 was a political breakthrough in states’ commitments to adopt a human rights framework in carrying out part of their mandate. This chapter explores other domains of freshwater…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2016

Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/6.1 Rev.1 (English only)
Session: Sess. 23

Policy Papers & Briefs
Noviembre 2016

The Isihlangu Towers were designed to meet the challenge of building a tall wooden building suitable for a hot and humid climate. This poster is one of a selection of entries from the TREEHOUSING International Wood Design Competition that was run by FAO and DBR | Design Build Research School on…