The interface between environment and conflict has gained traction in policy and security circles in recent times. Growing scholarly interest on the linkage stems from increasing awareness on the role climate change plays in precipitating resource contestations and conflict over depleting…
La publicación fue lanzada durenate el Simposio Internacional de Carbono Orgánico del Suelo (GSOC) que se llevó a cabo en la sede de la FAO (Roma, 21 a 23 de marzo de 2017). La publicación provee una revisión sobre los principales datos y hechos científicos sobre el estado actual del…
Cette publication a été lancée lors du colloque international sur le carbone organique du sol (GSOC) qui s’est tenu au siège de la FAO (Rome, 21-23 mars 2017). Pour les preneurs de décisions et les praticiens, il offre une vue d’ensemble sur les principaux faits et informations scientifiques…
Sustainable Development Goal 1, ending poverty in all its forms, everywhere, is the most ambitious goal set by the 2030 Agenda. This Goal includes eradicating extreme poverty in the next 12 years, which will require more focused actions in addition to broad-based interventions. The question is:…
In recent decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have pursued national water permit systems, derived from the colonial era and reinforced by “global best practice.” These systems have proved logistically impossible to manage and have worsened inequality in water access. A new study…
La gestión sostenible de la vida silvestre es objeto de considerable atención en el debate internacional debido a su importancia para la conservación de la biodiversidad, la seguridad humana, los medios de subsistencia y la seguridad alimentaria. Las poblaciones locales han gestionado las…
Wildlife management is the focus of considerable international debate because of its importance for biodiversity conservation, human safety, livelihoods and food security. Local people have been managing wildlife for millennia, including through hunting. Sufficient examples are presented in this…
There is a growing recognition of the contribution that privately-owned land makes to conservation efforts, and governments are increasingly counting privately protected areas (PPAs) towards their international conservation commitments. The public availability of spatial data on countries’…
Due to the fact that the South Africa’s savanna landscapes are under changing conditions, the previously sustainable firewood collection system in rural areas has become a social-ecological factor in questions about landscape management. While the resilience of savannas in national parks such as…
The papers in this volume take a city perspective and provide both a critical reflection of and a pragmatic response to what cities are able to do given their current mandate and powers. The first paper begins by considering what the TOD agenda means for the urban poor. It questions whether TOD…
Cooperation between South Africa and FAO has spanned a large range of areas, from interventions for agricultural development, food security and improved nutrition to support rural economic development and natural resources management. Recent focus areas for cooperation include engagement in…