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Displaying 73 - 84 of 1928
Enero 2009

The Land Matrix is an independent land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability around large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in low- and middle-income countries across the world. By capturing data on its website, the initiative aims to stimulate debate on the trends…

Diciembre 2008

Conflicts associated with natural resources are twice as likely to relapse into conflict in the first five years, an imminent report suggests. Indeed the natural resource curse has been a primary determinant of intra-state conflict in terrible theatres of war such as the Democratic Republic of…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2008

Following the rent free land use by large-scale farms under the communist regime, it was hoped that the restoration of private ownership of land and land-auctions would revive the land market and that the market would establish real land prices and farm rents in Central and Eastern Europe. In…

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre 2008

Over fifteen years have elapsed since the transition from the centrally plannedeconomic system started in the early 1990’s. During this time agricultural andrural areas of Central and Eastern Europe have undergone profound structuralchanges with wide variations in the degree of transformation…

Diciembre 2007

Across vast areas of the world, human activity has degraded once fertile and productive land. Deforestation, overgrazing, continuous farming and poor irrigation practices have affected almost 2 billion hectares worldwide, threatening the health and livelihoods of over one billion people. In this…

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre 2007

This paper analyzes how imperfections of property rights affect allocation of assets andwelfare, using micro-survey data from Bulgaria. Co-ownership of assets is widespread inmany countries due to inheritance. Central and Eastern Europe offers an interestingnatural experiment to assess the…

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre 2007

This paper analyzes how imperfections of property rights affect allocation of assetsand welfare, using micro-survey data from Bulgaria. Co-ownership of assets iswidespread in many countries due to inheritance. Central and Eastern Europe offersan interesting natural experiment to assess the…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2006


This book is organized in two parts. Part I presents a brief overview of the agricultural policy environment in Ukraine before and after 2000, followed by a detailed discussion of the legal foundations of land and farm reform and an overall picture of the impacts of reform on the farm…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre 2006

Shrift towards private ownership in forestry recourses in transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe promotes forest values and their development in diversified ways. In this paper, we provide a general equilibrium model assisting in estimation of forest management practices in the…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre 2006

The given Discussion Paper represents the results of a questionnaire, conducted in 2003, onbasic economic questions in 104 Moldavian farm enterprises. The received results continuethe cycle of research activities concerning the privatization and restructuring of farm enterprisesin different…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2005

Since the seminal work of Adam Smith, markets have been considered an efficienttool for co-ordinating the behaviour of economic agents. The basic characteristicof a market economy is that the complex system of interaction amongindividuals is not centrally coordinated. Under the assumption of…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2005

Óñëîâèÿ æèçíè â ñåëüñêîé ìåñòíîñòè ñòðàí Öåíòðàëüíîé è Âîñòî÷íîé Åâðîïû óõóäøàþòñÿ è áóäóò åùå äàëüøå óõóäøàòüñÿ äî òåõ ïîð, ïîêà ñóùåñòâóþùèå ïðîáëåìû íå áóäóò ðåøåíû ïîñðåä- ñòâîì ðåàëèçàöèè ïðîåêòîâ è ïðîãðàìì êîìïëåêñíîãî ðàçâèòèÿ ñåëüñêèõ ðàéîíîâ. Óñïåõ è óñòîé÷èâîñòü òàêèõ ïðîåêòîâ è ïðî-…