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Le présent arrêté complète l'arrêté du 24 octobre 2005 relatif aux prestations administratives rendues par les services du ministère de l'agriculture et des ressources hydrauliques,les établissements et les entreprises publics sous-tutelle et aux conditions de leur octroi.…


Section 3 formulates a prohibition of receipt or solicitation of consideration in respect of unlawful occupation of land. Section 4 makes provision for the eviction of unlawful occupiers of land. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4, the owner or person in charge of land may institute…


This Act establishes the Zambia Development Agency and the Trade and Industrial Development Fund and makes provision in general for economic development in Zambia. In certain cases, development requires a licence, permit or certificate of registration of the Board of the Agency. Before…


These Regulations implement provisions of the Mines and Minerals Development Act, 2008 with respect to a wide variety of matters such as: organization of mining cadastre offices; application for, or grant or renewal of a mining right or a mineral processing licence; transfer of a mining right or…


These Regulations, made under section 67 of the Land Tenure Act, concerns procedures for allocation of plots of (agricultural) land and related matters. “Allocation” means the process used by the Government for the distribution or provision of a land as a right of occupancy or lease to an…


La présente ordonnance crée la Direction Nationale de l’Aménagement du Territoire (DNAT) dont la mission consiste en l’élaboration des éléments de la politique nationale d’aménagement du territoire et d’en assurer l’exécution. De ce fait, elle est chargée de: élaborer et mettre en œuvre le…

Reports & Research

Based on experiences gained by the 3 authors through previous research activities and assignments in different parts of Africa and reading of existing literature. Identifies and discusses what is seen as being the most important issues in the ongoing debate about African land rights and land…

Reports & Research

To better understand the role of tenure security in protecting against, and mitigating the effects of, HIV and violence, this book explores these linkages in Amajuba, South Africa and Iganga, Uganda. Results from the qualitative study revealed that property ownership, while not easily linked to…

Reports & Research

Explores the relationship between HIV/AIDS and land rights in Kenya, with a particular focus on women. The study examines three village case studies in different parts of Kenya (Embo, Thika and Bondo) and attempts to distinguish the role of HIV/AIDS in precipitating or aggravating tenure…

Reports & Research

Looks at agricultural leasehold rights, freehold tenure and land markets, foreign land ownership and tenure security, rentals and sharing of redistributed land, modifying customary rights, gender and class relations, farm workers, land administration and tenure security.

Reports & Research

This Working Paper summarizes research conducted as part of the AgWater Solutions Project in Burkina Faso between 2009 and 2012. Researchers from the AgWater Solutions Project examined the potential for small reservoirs, inland valley cultivation and the use of motorized pumps. The main findings…