This report reflects on the experience of DFID land programmes which include LTR across six countries (Guyana, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Mozambique), drawing also on relevant experiences of programmes driven by other donors.
It summarises the drivers of LTR and land…
This is the executive summary of the full report <a href="">Securing land rights at scale</a>. The report…
This bulletin focuses on land tenure regularisation (LTR), with articles from practitioners to accompany the new LEGEND report <a href="…
የነዚህ የበጎ ፈቃድ መመሪያዎች አላማ የመሬት፣ የአሳ እንዲሁም የደን ይዞታ አስተዳደርን ለማሻሻል ምሪት መስጠት ብሎም እንደማጣቀሻ ማገልገል ሲሆን ይህም ለሁሉም ሰው የምግብ ዋስትናን ማረጋገጥ የተሰኘው መርሆን መሠረት ያደረገ እና የሰው ልጆችን በቂ ምግብ የማግኘት መብት በአገር አቀፍ የምግብ ዋስትና ማዕቀፍ ውስጥ በዘላቂነት እውን እንዲሆን ድጋፍ መስጠት ነው። የነዚህ መመሪያዎች አላማ ረሃብን እና ድህነትን ለማጥፋት ለሚደረገው አለም አቀፍ እና አገር አቀፍ ርብርብ…
Date: mai 2019
Source: <a href="">AGTER</a>
Note No 17 de Coordination Sud. Commission…
Date: Mai 2019
Source: <a href="…
L’Afrique se trouve à un moment décisif de sa trajectoire de développement. Les politiques qu’elle adoptera aujourd’hui détermineront la rapidité avec laquelle elle pourra accélérer sa croissance et créer la…
Ce numéro de « Regards sur le foncier » est composé d’une revue bibliographique et des communications écrites par des jeunes chercheurs. Ces textes sont issus des journées d’études de juillet 2018 organisées par le Comité technique « Foncier & développement » dans le cadre du chantier de…
Since the commencement of land registration in Nigeria, less than 3% of land, mainly in urban areas had been registered. This is partly due to the prevalent sporadic method. Sporadic procedure of obtaining title is associated with many problems which include time and cost. This study examined…
Climate change issues are contemporary global phenomena which affect the largest part of the world in different ways. This paper explores how local communities living in sensitive ecological areas, particularly in river valleys, respond to and adapt to climate change. By employing a qualitative…
Urban development is occurring in many Sub-Saharan Africa cities and rapid urbanization is underway in the East African city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In an effort to address urban poverty and increase homeownership opportunities for low and middle-income residents, the City Administration of…