This paper examines the marginalization of women's land rights by governmental institutions and rural women's movements in Brazil. The authors point out that the issue of land rights in Brazil has been largely overlooked, and attempt to consider previously overlooked aspects of family…
El propósito de este artículo es mostrar y examinar algunos
aspectos básicos de la situación que viven los pueblos indígenas
y afrodescendientes en América Latina y el Caribe. A través
del análisis de factores como el racismo y la discriminación,
se intenta interpretar…
The incidence of skin diseases, including leishmaniasis, spread by different varieties of sandflies in tropical areas has increased dramatically in humans. Because of deforestation, sandflies have encroached further into human settlements. Here they have begun to infect domestic animals and…
This handbook aims to provide an introduction to the key issues driving efforts to promote corporate social responsibility and accountability worldwide. It focuses especially on the links between the environment, labor rights, and human rights in the context of globalisation.The central theme of…
This study examines land tenure data for 24 of the 30 most forested countries accounting for 93% of the worlds natural forest cover and examines global trends in forest ownership. The report also reviews the emerging evidence of the possibilities created by community forest ownership and…
This toolkit provides a framework for main-streaming gender in rural development activities.It addresses the lack of conceptual and practical tools in the area of sustainable land management. Its modular design allows for individual approaches and targets development staff at the project and…
Using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model this report identifies the links among economic growth, poverty alleviation, and natural resource degradation in Brazil. It ex- amines the effects of a major devaluation of the Brazilian real (R$); improvements of infrastructure in the Amazon to…
El libro constituye el más importante esfuerzo por analizar los temas de la tierra desde una perspectiva de género. Su importancia tiene relación con los cuatro tomos coordinados por las autoras a inicios de los años 80, publicado bajo el título: Debate sobre la mujer en América Latina y el…
El modelo de desarrollo actual, basado en una economía libre, eficiente, competitiva y redistributiva y que ha realizado cambios relevantes en el saneamiento de las finanzas públicas, la estabilización macroeconómica y la modernización del aparato productivo, no ha dado los resultados esperados…
In early 1998, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) was asked to assist the PROGRESA administration to “determine if PROGRESA is functioning in practice as it is intended to by design.” PROGRESA is one of the major programs of the Mexican government aimed at developing the…
En América Latina durante el curso del siglo XX se lograron considerables avances para fortalecer los derechos de propiedad de la mujer casada. Sin embargo, se ha prestado atención limitada a los derechos de herencia de las esposas. La revisión de las normas legales en doce países permite…