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Mining in New Caledonia: environmental stakes and restoration opportunities

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2015
Nueva Caledonia

New Caledonia is a widely recognised marine and terrestrial biodiversity hot spot. However, this unique environment is under increasing anthropogenic pressure. Major threats are related to land cover change and include fire, urban sprawling and mining. Resulting habitat loss and fragmentation end up in serious erosion of the local biodiversity. Mining is of particular concern due to its economic significance for the island. Open cast mines were exploited there since 1873, and scraping out soil to access ores wipes out flora.

Comparison of NAIP orthophotography and RapidEye satellite imagery for mapping of mining and mine reclamation

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014
Estados Unidos de América

National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) orthophotography is a potentially useful data source for land cover classification in the United States due to its nationwide and generally cloud-free coverage, low cost to the public, frequent update interval, and high spatial resolution. Nevertheless, there are challenges when working with NAIP imagery, especially regarding varying viewing geometry, radiometric normalization, and calibration.

Research and Design of A Land Reclamation Supervisory Information System in A Mining Area

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2015

Using an overall document data comprehensive analysis system and a structure analysis, this study preliminarily classified technical indicators, structured the regulatory index database on construction of land reclamation, and explicated the information operation process and main content of land reclamation. From the perspective of module design, this article describes the most significant details about information query and release process, engineering construction quality monitoring and control, the land reclamation engineering acceptance process, and post‐project evaluation.

Unique documentation, analysis of origin and development of an undrained depression in a subsidence basin caused by underground coal mining (Kozinec, Czech Republic)

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014
República Checa

This article aims to explain and demonstrate the origin and development of a subsidence basin caused by coal mining as well as to point out important aspects of this phenomenon in engineering geology. Engineering geology needs to deal with a number of issues related to the origin and development of subsidence basins in areas affected by deep coal mining. An interesting case study from the Upper-Silesian Basin in the northeast of the Czech Republic near the Polish border is presented in this paper.

Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Land Use/Cover Changes; a Case Study in Western Black Sea Region of Turkey

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Rapid land use/land cover changes have taken place in many cities of Turkey. Land use and land cover changes are essential for wide range of applications. In this study, Landsat TM satellite imageries date from 1987, 1993, 2000 and 2010 were used to analyse temporal and spatial changes in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Zonguldak and Eregli two largest and economic important cities which have been active coal mining and iron fabric areas.

Northern Cape Rural Development Strategy Papers

Reports & Research
Abril, 2010

Strategy Paper 1: Reflecting on practice – Lessons from international and South
African experiences of rural development.
Strategy Paper 2: The rural development context in the Northern Cape
Strategy Paper 3: Critical success factors for rural development in the Northern Cape.
Strategy Paper 4: Draft Northern Cape Rural Development Strategy – Activities and
Strategy Paper 5: Draft Northern Cape Rural Development Strategy - Institutional

Schmidtsdrift plans and policies

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2009

This document summarises approaches to resolve disputes, profile the membership of the Communal Property Association, develop a new CPA Constitution and examine options for the utilisation of mineral, agricultural and game resources and the allocation of business sites. It also explores options for CPA management and the need for professional management staff in this large and complex restitution claim

Alguns Desafios na Indústria Extractiva em Moçambique

Reports & Research
Abril, 2009

Nos últimos anos, a economia moçambicana tem registado desenvolvimentos significativos na área dos recursos minerais e energéticos. Em 2004, iniciou-se a produção e expor tação de gás natural em Pande e Temane, na província de Inhambane. Em 2007 arrancou em Moma, na província de Nampula, a expor tação de minérios produzidos a par tir de areias pesadas. Em 2007, o Governo assinou com a brasileira Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) um contrato mineiro para a exploração de grandes quantidades de carvão de Moatize, na província de Tete.

O que é uma Casa sem Comida?

Reports & Research
Abril, 2013

Uma onda de investimento estrangeiro ligada aos recursos naturais em Moçambique, incluindo grandes reservas de carvão e gás natural offshore, promete novas possibilidades económicas para o país que durante muito tempo foi classificado como um dos mais pobres do mundo. As empresas multinacionais de mineração e de gás têm investido biliões de dólares em Moçambique nos últimos dez anos e o governo estima que vai atrair ainda cinquenta biliões de dólares de investimento adicional na próxima década.