Prayog Samaj Sevi Sanstha
The Prayog Samaj Sevi Sanstha is situated in Raipur, Chhattisgarh (A Tribal State). It was established in 1975 and registered in 1982 under the Society Registration Act 1860.
The Prayog Samaj Sevi Sanstha is situated in Raipur, Chhattisgarh (A Tribal State). It was established in 1975 and registered in 1982 under the Society Registration Act 1860.
« L’Histoire de RCN Justice & Démocratie commence là où le droit essaie de soigner les blessures humaines »
Au printemps 1994, le Rwanda a connu la page la plus sombre de son histoire : en 3 mois le génocide a fait plus de 800.000 victimes parmi les Tutsis et Hutus modérés et a profondément marqué les esprits. Dans ce climat de crise le besoin de justice était grand et les défis immenses à relever pour la restauration de l’ensemble de la structure judiciaire.
Rendre justice
We’re a global engineering, management and development consultancy focused on guiding our clients through many of the planet’s most intricate challenges.
The needs of the world’s population are changing fast. Our network of experts, active in 150 countries, finds opportunities in complexity, turning obstacles into elegant, sustainable solutions. By looking at problems from a fresh angle, we aim to add value at every stage, for our clients – you – and the lives you touch every day.
Somos una organización independiente, sin ánimo de lucro, afiliada a la Organización de Estados Americanos – OEA, con sede en Washington D.C., creada en el año de 1962. En Colombia, desde el año 2000, venimos trabajando de manera constante para apoyar a las personas y a las comunidades en su crecimiento y fortalecimiento. Nuestras acciones van enfocadas en desarrollar soluciones socioeconómicas sostenibles, en fortalecer la cooperación para el logro efectivo de metas comunes y en fomentar la responsabilidad social, respetando el entorno, la idiosincrasia y la cultura de las comunidades.
The Open Data Charter is a collaboration between governments and organizations working to open up data based on a shared set of Principles. With 73 government adopters and 53 organizations endorsers, our goal is to embed open data as a central ingredient to achieving better solutions to the most pressing policy challenges of our time.
In 2011, government leaders and civil society advocates came together to create a unique partnership—one that combines these powerful forces to promote accountable, responsive and inclusive governance.
Seventy-eight countries and a growing number of local governments—representing more than two billion people—along with thousands of civil society organizations are members of the Open Government Partnership (OGP).
En Haïti, la vulnérabilité environnementale et les inégalités sociales constituent de sérieux défis pour l’Etat haïtien. Pour accompagner l’amélioration de la résilience des populations, Helvetas et ses partenaires supportent le renforcement des structures locales existantes et de leurs interactions, pour promouvoir l’accès à des services de qualité pour toutes les familles, le développement économique local et la cohésion sociale. Le renforcement des acteurs locaux est au centre de toutes nos interventions et approches.
The Fondo Ecuatoriano de Cooperación para el Desarrollo (FECD) is a private, not-for-profit organization that works to improve in a sustainable manner the living conditions of the most vulnerable groups in Ecuador, through integrated development proposals.
Le Conseil National des ONG de Développement (CNONGD) est un réseau qui a vu le jour en décembre 1990. Il est la manifestation de la volonté d’une série d’organisations de mieux contribuer aux efforts de démocratisation du pays et de développement coordonné des communautés locales pauvres. Il compte actuellement 600 ONG membres, regroupées à travers 11 Conseils Régionaux (CRONGD).
Self Help Development Foundation (SHDF), is a local NGO which works in the area of community development particularly in rural areas with a direct focus on building women’s capacities to become economically self-reliant. The organization was established in 1963 and has gone through continued re-focusing to remain relevant to its members and the operating environment.
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF)'s mission is to empower women by promoting their rights, increasing their participation and influence at the community, national, and international levels through initiating, promoting, and strengthening strategies which link law and development.