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Displaying 2233 - 2244 of 2410

Wavelet-based spatio-temporal fusion of observed rainfall with NDVI in Sri Lanka

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2012
Sri Lanka
Asia sudoriental

Availability of rainfall time-series is limited in many parts of the World, and the continuity of such records is variable. This research endeavors to extend actual daily rainfall observations to ungauged areas, taking into account events of rainfall as well as cumulative total daily rainfall, over a period of 11 years. Results show that rainfall events histograms can be reconstructed, and that total cumulative rainfall is estimated with 85% accuracy, using a surrounding network of rain gauges at 30-50 Km of distance from the point of study.

Willingness to pay for improved rural water supply in Goro-Gutu District of eastern Ethiopia: An application of contingent valuation

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2012
África oriental

This study employs a contingent valuation method to estimate willingness to pay for improved rural water supply. It provides information on the demand for improved services and the potential for them to be sustainable. The analysis was based on data collected from 132 households using rural water utilities for at least three years. Both binary and ordered probit models were used to examine the determinants of willingness to pay. The estimated mean and median willingness to pay was found to be Birr 6.83 and 5.87 per household per month.

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: Simple water-use accounting of the Mekong Basin

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2010
Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

This paper applies the principles of water-use accounts, developed in the first of the series, to the Mekong River basin in Southeast Asia. The Mekong Basin covers six

countries, the River rises in China, but there are substantial downstream tributaries

from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and from a small area in Myanmar. A

unique feature is the reverse flow from the Mekong to the Tonle Sap via the Tonle Sap

River at the height of the wet season flow and its ebb as the river levels fall.

World Water Assessment Programme Sri Lanka case study, Ruhuna basins: proceedings of a Workshop held at Koggala Beach Hotel, Sri Lanka, 7-9 April 2002

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2002
Sri Lanka
Asia sudoriental

The Case Study Workshop was organized with the objective of obtaining the necessary input the experts on different subject areas of water resources, subject those views and discussion among the stakeholder agencies, and synthesize the information to a report on the case study. The outcome of the Workshop would eventually transform into the contribution of Sri Lanka to the forst WWDR.

Yellow River Basin: Living with scarcity

Reports & Research
Julio, 2010

The Yellow River Basin (YRB) Focal Project set out to study water poverty, water

availability and access, water productivity, and water and related institutions in the

Yellow River basin to develop and rank a series of high-priority interventions aimed at

increasing water and food security for the poor, while maintaining environmental

sustainability. The YBFP identified complex relations between water and poverty in the

YRB; identified streamflow declines in the basin despite predicted higher rainfall;

Yield and water use efficiency of furrow irrigated potato under regulated deficit irrigation, Atsibi-Wemberta, North Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2016

The pressure on availability of water in Tigray regional state is likely to increase as the requirement for food production in couple with rapidly growing of the population is at increasing rate. Hence, improving water productivity using regulated deficit irrigation is important to reduce the water consumption while minimizing adverse effects on the crop yield. This study was conducted in the eastern zone of Tigray regional state, Atsibi Womberta district.

Yield gaps in oil palm: A quantitative review of contributing factors

Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2017

Oil palm, currently the world’s main vegetable oil crop, is characterised by a large productivity and a long life span (?25 years). Peak oil yields of 12 t ha?1 yr?1 have been achieved in small plantations, and maximum theoretical yields as calculated with simulation models are 18.5 t oil ha?1 yr?1, yet average productivity worldwide has stagnated around 3 t oil ha?1 yr?1. Considering the threat of expansion into valuable rainforests, it is important that the factors underlying these existing yield gaps are understood and, where feasible, addressed.