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Issues Ordenación territorial related Blog post
There are 6, 700 content items of different types and languages related to Ordenación territorial on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

Participatory Land-Use Consolidation for Climate Resilience and Inclusive Business Models in Egypt: Announcing the lauch of LAND-at-scale in Egypt

26 Junio 2024
Aoife Ossendorp

We are happy to announce the launch of the project Participatory Land-Use Consolidation for Climate Resilience and Inclusive Business Models in Egypt, which started in May 2024 and will run until October 2026. The project aims to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation in order to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects.

Scaling Community Land Rights Certification in Municipal Areas of Mozambique: the launch of a new LAND-at-scale project

23 Febrero 2024
Maria Muianga

Terra Firma and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) are pleased to announce the launch of a new LAND-at-scale project: Scaling Community Land Rights Certification in Municipal Areas of Mozambique. The project started implementation this month (February 2024) in the rural hinterlands of four municipalities in Manica, Sofala and Zambezia provinces.

Reflection on LAND-at-scale side-event at CLPA 2023: Climate-Resilient Land Use Planning as a Tool for Addressing Land Degradation

23 Febrero 2024
Aoife Ossendorp

During the Conference for Land Policy in Africa (CLPA) which took place in Addis Ababa in November 2023, LAND-at-scale organised the side-event ''Climate-Resilient Land Use Planning as a Tool for Addressing Land Degradation''. The LAND-at-scale (LAS) project partners and their government constituencies from Mozambique, Rwanda and Uganda participated in person. The set-up of the session was dynamic with each country first ‘pitching’ how land use planning processes were important in their LAS interventions, and then the government representatives adding to that a perspective from government. In each of the countries, the LAS partners consisting of NGOs and UN organizations, work closely with national or district land use planning officers of the government in carrying out project activities.

Understanding the link between Climate & LAND-at-scale country projects - Sustainable Solutions for Rural-Urban Migrants in Baidoa, Somalia

19 Febrero 2024
Karel Boers
Marta Cavallaro
Aoife Ossendorp

As part of a scoping study titled Land Governance for Climate Resilience: A review and case studies from LAND-at-scale projects headed by Richard Sliuzas, Emeritus Professor, University of Twente, IOM explored how climate plays a role in the UN-led Saameynta Joint Programme in Somalia. In this context, climate change is increasingly recognized as a multiplier of insecurity and fragility, where climate-related sudden and slow-onset disasters are driving people to leave their land and migrate. While migrating allows people to find alternative livelihoods and enhance their climate resilience, it can also be associated with instances of maladaptation to climate change. As such, this case highlights durable solutions in climate-driven urban sprawl in Baidoa.  

Understanding the link between Climate & LAND-at-scale country projects - Community-Based Approach on Wetland Management Planning in Butaleja District Uganda

19 Febrero 2024
Simon Peter Mwesigye
Teddy Kisembo
Jordana Wamboga
Aoife Ossendorp

As part of a scoping study titled Land Governance for Climate Resilience: A review and case studies from LAND-at-scale projects headed by Richard Sliuzas, Emeritus Professor, University of Twente, GLTN dove into the links between climate and land governance in the ‘’Scaling up community-based land registration and land use planning on customary land in Uganda’’ project. This case study highlights experiences from the community-based wetland management planning approach in Butaleja, Uganda, focusing on how the approach is addressing land governance issues and contributing to community climate resilience.

Promover la formación de los centroafricanos en gobernanza de la tierra para reducir la pobreza - Entrevista con el profesor Félix Ngana, de la Universidad de Bangui

05 Septiembre 2023

En esta entrevista, el profesor Felix Ngana  habla de la creación de la Unidad de Formación e Investigación (UFR) sobre Gobernanza de la Tierra y Desarrollo Local (GFDL) en la Universidad de Bangui, en la República Centroafricana (RCA). Tras la creación de un programa de licenciatura, ya hay planes para ampliar esta formación a los niveles de máster y doctorado. Estos esfuerzos son oportunos, ya que el país se ha embarcado en un proceso de descentralización para elegir alcaldes y gobernadores que dirijan los consejos municipales y regionales, respectivamente.  

Promoting training of Central Africans in land governance for poverty reduction

18 Mayo 2023
Félix Ngana

1) Prof. Ngana, why did you launch this training unit on land issues at the University of Bangui? What needs does the training meet?


It was NELGA that motivated us. I am the Focal Point for NELGA in the Central African Republic. As part of the implementation of its structure in Central African universities, NELGA had launched a survey to revise the curriculum of land governance.


Recuento del seminario web: Descubriendo las Oportunidades de los Datos sobre la Tierra en Senegal

02 Febrero 2023

Junto con la GIZ y la Agencia Nacional de Ordenación Territorial, conocida como ANAT, en Senegal, coorganizamos un seminario web, "Descubriendo las Oportunidades de los Datos sobre la Tierra en Senegal", el 31 de enero de 2023. El panel reunió a expertos en datos abiertos y gobernanza de la tierra para debatir el estado de la información sobre la tierra en Senegal, centrándose en las conclusiones del Informe SOLI Senegal, y el camino a seguir para lograr un ecosistema de datos sobre la tierra más inclusivo, abierto y transparente en Senegal.

¿Cómo mitigar la propagación del coronavirus en los asentamientos informales durante la emergencia y recuperación ante la pandemia?

04 Abril 2020

l 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud clasificó a la enfermedad por coronavirus COVID-19 como una pandemia. En América Latina y el Caribe se han reportado ya miles de casos confirmados, en casi todos los países de la región, y un número creciente de fallecidos. Se espera que el número de casos, el número de muertes y el número de países afectados siga aumentando.