Promesas y realidades de la formalización de tierras: África
¿Ha cumplido la formalización de la tierra -como tipo de reforma agraria- las promesas de mejorar la seguridad de la tenencia, la productividad agrícola y el acceso de las mujeres a la tierra? Más información en este artículo.
Hacia una Agenda Global de la Tierra: Configurando el futuro de la Gobernanza de la Tierra
In a world grappling with numerous challenges related to climate change, socio-economic issues, and migration, the significance of land cannot be overstated. Land is not just a concern for the land community but for all communities, as it holds the potential to address critical global issues. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach to land governance, a global land agenda is being proposed. This blog explores the origins, objectives, and actions required to pave the way for effective land governance on a global scale.
Challenges to sustain tenure in Colombia: harmonizing indigenous traditions with ‘modernistic’ principles of economic growth
The LAND-at-sale project in Colombia was the first LAND-at-scale project to kick off. With its mid-term review just concluded, the project provides interesting insights into the challenges of not only achieving tenure security but sustaining it over time within a complex context. LAND-at-scale interviewed Piet Spijkers at Kadaster International, to learn more about their approach to achieve and sustain tenure security in Colombia through the LAND-at-scale project.
Learning from and scaling up tenure security approaches in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso has a long history of land interventions aiming to achieve tenure security at the local level. The “Observatoire National du Foncier au Burkina-Faso” (ONF-BF) is one of the key players in the country working on mapping land rights within communities at commune-level. How does ONF-BF address the challenge of not only attaining tenure security through mapping, but ensuring these tenure rights last over time?
Communities Push for Recognition of their Land Rights in Kenya
Matito Leruso was born and raised in the herding community of Lengurma in Isiolo County. Communal grazing land has been central to her community’s livelihood, wellbeing, and identity for generations, but they have never had their legal rights to govern it recognized. None of Kenya’s thousands of pastoralist communities have. This changed in 2016, with the passage of the Community Land Act. Since then, Matito has joined other residents of Lengurma in working to understand, use and shape the new law to ensure that their community land rights are respected and upheld.
Opportunities and Limitations: New Data Sources and Tech in the Fight Against Corruption
Increasingly, governments and citizens in developing countries as well as development agencies are using information technology to improve governance, shape government-citizen relations, and reduce corruption. Despite this, we continue to be at the first phases of understanding how to best use these new data sources in anti-corruption work, as well as appreciating the challenges and limitations inherent in them.
Eight land-related topics that need to be prioritized and urgently addressed in India
By Tim Hanstad, Co-Founder & Senior Advisor, Landesa
This is the second blog in a series of two that are based on a keynote address made at the 2018 India Land Development Conference.
Property rights have a storytelling problem: 5 tips for getting the story right
It's time to ditch the jargon and tell stories about property rights that create the impact needed for change
In a world bombarded with information, stories are everything. Strong storylines can inspire movements and shift attitudes. The “99 percent” story sparked a global conversation about income inequality, and fueled the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Criollos e indígenas, en sus tierras
Uno de los grandes problemas de nuestro país es la existencia de grandes fragmentos de tierra cuya propiedad es sujeto de disputas y controversias, y dentro de ellas las más complejas son las que se producen en tierras fiscales, en su mayoría ubicadas en áreas de ambiente difícil y social y económicamente marginadas del proceso de desarrollo.