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Issues tierras de pastoreo related Event
There are 717 content items of different types and languages related to tierras de pastoreo on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

La gobernanza de la tierra y la política de transiciones justas: Profundizar en la búsqueda de la justicia social

03 Julio 2024 - 05 Julio 2024
Utrecht University

Building on the successful collaboration in last year’s Annual Conference, the IoS Fair Transitions Platform (UU) and LANDac are pleased to launch this Call for a second joint Conference, which will have a somewhat different set-up from what you are used to and end with a Summit. We welcome your suggestions for panel sessions and round tables for the first two days. Building on your input, we will conclude on the last day with an experiment of democracy – a more-than human Summit. There will be limited hybrid options for participation in the Conference and the Summit.

IOS Fair Transitions

Asegurar los derechos sobre la tierra: La clave de los sistemas alimentarios sostenibles

02 Septiembre 2021


Garantizar los derechos sobre la tierra es fundamental para lograr sistemas alimentarios sostenibles que proporcionen seguridad alimentaria y se supere la pobreza. La seguridad de los derechos de propiedad es fundamental para preservar los medios de vida, mantener la estabilidad social y aumentar los incentivos para la inversión y el uso sostenible y productivo de la tierra. 

Land Portal Foundation
European Commission
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
International Land Coalition
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency


08 Junio 2021

Positive futuremaking starts when space, time and land with its inhabitants are brought and thought together, when diverse forms of life on, with and off the land can be accepted as valid elements of futuremaking; when unnecessary distinctions among livelihoods and forms of existence are overcome; and when all members of society are trusted to cooperate to build states on peaceful terms.

Colloque international sur le Pastoralisme dans le Courant des changements Globaux (P2CG 2017)

20 Noviembre 2017 - 24 Noviembre 2017


Le pastoralisme contribue de manière prépondérante à l’économie et à l’écologie des zones arides et semi-arides qui couvrent plus de 40% des terres émergées de la planète. L’activité pastorale pratiquée par les sociétés d’éleveurs sur une grande diversité de milieux et d’espèces, contribue notoirement à la sécurité alimentaire et aux moyens de vie de millions de ruraux.