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Productivity of transhumant Fulani cattle in the inner Niger Delta of Mali

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 1986
África occidental

Evaluates the productivity of transhumant Fulani cattle in the inner Niger delta of Mali. Summarises the results of the animal productivity study extending from December 1978 - March 1983, which indicated high calf mortality, low reproductive performance and moderate milk production. Identifies constraints limiting the productivity of Sudanese Fulani cattle and suggests interventions aimed at eliminating or ameliorating these constraints

Protéger et promouvoir le pastoralisme en Afrique

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2012

Le pastoralisme subvient aux besoins de dizaines de millions de personnes. Il utilise au mieux des environnements difficiles et offre de nombreux avantages économiques et sociaux. Lors du Briefing de Bruxelles sur le développement portant sur « Les nouveaux défis et opportunités pour le pastoralisme dans les pays ACP », les experts ont souligné les politiques à adopter en vue d'améliorer le bien-être des communautés pastorales dépendant de l'élevage de cheptel.

Repeated droughts and hazards are the real challenge for Pastoralist communities

Marzo, 2011

Jan de Leeuw from ILRI reflects on the impacts of droughts and hazards on pastoral communities in Africa. He argues that pastoralists are often well-adapted to short term hazards and droughts. A single-season drought weakens livestock and communities. When rains fail repeatedly however, the problems start, and the impacts can be long-lasting. He was talking in the margins of the recent conference in Addis Ababa on the future of pastoralism in Africa. The Addis Ababa conference (21-23 March 2011) was organized by the Future Agricultures Consortium with Tufts University.