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Les recherches du CIPEA en 1980

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1981

Presents and discusses ILCA's research on smallholder farming in the highlands, village sheep and goat production in the humid zone, cattle production in the subhumid zone, pastoral production in the arid zones of West Africa, range livestock production in eastern and southern Africa, and breed evaluation and herd modelling.

L'utilisation des enquetes integrees pour le recensement des ressources et le suivi de l'evolution des systemes pastoraux en Afrique au sud du Sahara

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1984

Reviews various approaches and techniques used in a number of sub-Saharan African countries to collect and analyze data on large-scale ecological changes with particular reference to remote sensing and monitoring techniques in resource inventory; suggests ways to build more effective data bases.

Livestock herds, overgrazing and range degradation in Zimbabwe: How and why do the herds keep growing?

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 1986

This paper looks at African livestock herds in Zimbabwe over the period 1890-1980. The focus is on the livestock system in the tribal areas where, under communal land use, there has been long-term concern with environmental deterioration Zimbabwe was chosen because it is one of the few African countries for which reasonably accurate historical data are available regarding African (common range) as opposed to Europen (closed range) herd development.

Livestock water needs in pastoral Africa in relation to climate and forage

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 1983

Discusses livestock water needs and the variation of water dependence in dif. circumstance, mentioning body water functions; physiological aspects of water balance; channels of gain & loss; and factors affecting water balance, particularly energy production, thermoregulation and water availability. Examines energy and water use, as well as water & livestock development in pastoral areas of Africa.

Livestock marketing in Turkana District, Kenya: opportunities and constraints

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2006
África oriental

This report focuses on the issues surrounding livestock marketing in Turkana District. The report 's authors undertook an extensive literature review and conducted field work in Turkana in early 2006. They characterized and described the livestock marketing systems operating in the district, identified problems and constraints, and made a series of recommendations intended to increase the number of pastoralists profitably accessing livestock markets. Finally, they identified researchable issues which would enable a better understanding of livestock marketing in Turkana District.

Losing ground in the Mara: fast but not inevitable

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2007
África oriental

The Maasai Mara Ecosystem (MME) is one of the key wildlife areas in Kenya and has more wildlife than any other part of the country. However, aerial surveys by the Department for Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) show that Mara lost 60% of it’s resident wildlife in the last 25 years. As human populations grow, and crop farming expands and land privatizes, these pressures will only grow.

Livestock marketing studies

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 1983

Examines the need and methods for studying livestock markets and routinely collect time series data on prices of livestock at local, regional and terminal markets, outlining a method for setting up a systematic collection and analysis of livestock market information. Presents a simplifed livestock marketing systems model; illustrated suggestions for data analysis; and recommendations for a national organizational framework for collecting & analyzing livestock market data.

Loss and fragmentation of habitat for pastoral people and wildlife in East Africa: Concepts and issues

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2004
África oriental

Little of the current focus on landscape fragmentation has focused on rangelands or pastoral lands. This paper investigates the existing evidence for causes and processes of fragmentation in pastoral lands and its effects of landscapes and peoples. More conceptual work is needed on the definition of loss and fragmentation, particularly efforts to clarify fragmentation from whose (or what's) perspective.

Livestock production in central Mali

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1982
África occidental

Summarizes a baseline study of the traditional livestock production system of central Mali, classifying production systems in the study in the study zone according to the degree of dependence on livestock products for gross revenue or food supply of the household or production unit, and according to types of agriculture associated w. livestock. Describes primary resources available for livestock production; livestock numbers & movement patterns; the agropastoral system; and the pastoral system associated w. rice cultivation in the Niger innundation zone.