Range Management and Grazing Control Regulations 1980 (No. 30 of 1980).
These Regulations, made under section 4 (1) of the Land Husbandry Act by the Minister of Agriculture and Marketing, provides for the protection of agricultural land.
These Regulations, made under section 4 (1) of the Land Husbandry Act by the Minister of Agriculture and Marketing, provides for the protection of agricultural land.
This Law No. 6443 makes minor changes in several different articles of the Law on pastures No. 4342.
Amends: Law on pastures No. 4342. (1998-02-25)
This Law amends articles 30-35 of law 9693 of 2007. The amendments deal with penalties issued for law infringements and their appeal process. The inspection is carried out by the Forestry Police and its regional and local units.
Amends: Law No. 9693 on the Pasture Fund. (2007-03-19)
This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of the use of pastures and grazing resources for the purposes not related to grazing of cattle. It specifies that local authorities shall be granted the right to allocate pastures and grazing resources for payment in accordance with contracts for use of pastures and grazing resources for purposes not related to grazing of cattle. The right of use of pastures for the period of over three years shall be subject to compulsory state registration.
Le présent arrêté détermine les périmètres pastoraux de sauvegarde du cheptel en cas de disette ou de périodes calamiteuses et à leur ouverture au pacage. Les périmètres indiqués à l'article premier sont ouverts au pacage à partir de l'entrée en vigueur du présent arrêté jusqu'à la fin du mois d'août 2013.Toutefois, l'interdiction du pacage demeure en vigueur dans les périmètres où les arbres d'essences forestières plantés ou semés de main d'homme ou issus d'incendies ne dépassant pas un mètre de hauteur.
This Regional Law shall have the following purposes: (a) specific purposeful and rational use of land for transhumance; (b) conservation and improvement of feeding of natural pastures; (c) prevention of soil erosion and degradation; (d) conservation and reproduction of natural landscapes; and (e) conservation of national cultural heritage. Land for transhumance shall be classified as follows: (a) arable land; (b) pastures; and (c) haymaking areas.
This Regional Law regulates relations concerning protection of land under reindeer pastures for the following purposes: (a) prevention of land degradation, pollution, littering, disturbance of soil and vegetation cover and other negative impact; (b) land rehabilitation; (c) setting up mechanism of land registration and assessment of the state of land; and (d) application of ecological norms for optimal land tenure. Land protection arrangements related to reindeer pastures shall include prevention of negative impact and prohibition of unauthorized movement of track-type vehicles.
This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization shall be allotted to forest officers and staff of state hunting organizations (game managers and gamekeepers) for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, growing of crops etc.). Land areas shall be established within the following limits: (a) arable land – 3 ha; (b) haymaking – 10 ha; and (c) other agricultural activities – 5 ha.
This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge or with the establishment of servitude for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, reindeer ranching, growing of crops etc.). Land areas shall be established within the following limits: (a) arable land – 3 ha; (b) haymaking – 10 ha; (c) apiculture – 0, 3 ha; and (d) other agricultural activities – 5 ha. Citizens shall have the right to allotment of several forest land plots for performance of different agricultural activities.
This Regional Law establishes to exonerate from payment of land tax for the use of reindeer grazing areas by reindeer stockbreeders.
La presente Ley tiene por objeto regular las vías pecuarias de la Comunitat Valenciana, con la finalidad de conservar y consolidar, proteger y recuperar el patrimonio pecuario para disponer de una red de caminos para el uso pecuario y medioambiental de las generaciones presentes y futuras, de manera que se articule a la vez una malla de corredores naturales por todo el territorio de la Comunitat Valenciana.
Enmienda: Ley Nº 11/1994 - Ley de espacios naturales protegidos de la Comunidad Valenciana. (1994-12-27)
Le présent décret modifie les limites de la zone d’utilité publique (ZUP) définie par le décret n°98-476/PRES/PM/MEE/MEF du 02 décembre 1998 portant déclaration d’utilité publique et régime particulier de gestion des terres du domaine foncier de la zone du projet Bagré et définit l’emprise de la zone d’utilité publique du pôle de croissance de Bagré.Par ailleurs, il crée à l’intérieur du domaine foncier de la zone d’utilité publique du pôle de croissance de Bagré dite «Zone de Concentration».La zone de concentration est aménagée principalement à des fins d’activités agricoles, piscicoles, p