Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
26 Febrero 2018 to 28 Febrero 2018
United Arab Emirates
The Government of the United Arab Emirates in partnership with the World Bank, the Global Land Tool Network, UN-Habitat, the Arab League and the Arab Union of Surveyors heldthe first Arab Land Conference that will be hosted by the Dubai Land Department and held in Dubai, UAE, from 26-28 /February/…
Global Land Tool Network, World Bank Group
4 Marzo 2019 to 6 Marzo 2019
Amman Jordan
Based on the request of several key partners in the Forum on Modern Land Administration due to schedule conflicts with other activities and events that they are committed to, the organisation committee has decided to postpone the Forum to autumn 2019.
The Forum is being organized by the Jordanian…
Kadaster International