Community / Land projects / THE TRUE OWNERS OF THE LAND"
11/15 - 10/16
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Archdiocese of Nampula, Mozambique: works in five different pastoral regions namely: Nampula, Iapala, Angoche, Namaita and Meconta a universe of 43 parishes and various communities in particular Malema District, Ribaué, Mecuburi, Nampula and Rapale. Approximately four hundred thousand families in the districts in which the project intends to perform depend exclusively on producing in agriculture, the most common crops: beans, maize, cassava, cashew, sugar, according to the study by the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture in Nampula on 2007. In rural areas, agriculture is the main source of income, but with the major low productivity. Families can hardly meet their basic nutritional needs, besides being vulnerable to bad weather. In the face of floods and droughts, farmers are among the most exposed to food insecurity groups, since they have few alternatives to generate income beyond agriculture (Coughlin, 2006 FIAN International, 2010; Suárez and Borras Jr., 2010). This is part of what happens in Nampula, in the various districts where the population is dependent on land to survive, give that land grabbing by the mega projects, the present situation are creates ever more conflicts and further aggravates the situation of poverty, deprivation and vulnerability of rural communities because the people of Nampula particularly affected by ProSavana programme depends solely on agriculture as a source of survival. With this project, the Commission of Justice and Peace of the Diocese of Nampula (CAJUPANA), intends to carry out actions such as: a) Sessions of debates and training of animators of Justice and Peace in the Land Law of materials and their respective regulations and Family Law. b) Promote legal advice in community land conflicts. c) Raising awareness of communities about the dangers of selling the land and risks of running out of it for future generations. d) To sensitize the communities about the risk and the danger of uncontrolled Fires. e) Helping communities in the issuance of titles of the land (DUAT), an instrument that can legitimize their land tenure. We are aware that we are not the only ones who work in this area, so one of the approaches of our action will join forces with other partners working for the land and in the interests of the peasants. The development of Mozambique is deeply linked to the agricultural sector with about 64% of the population in rural areas and 55% of these live below the poverty line. The Commission for Justice and Peace, Archbishop of Nampula, at this point experiencing difficulties in terms of working conditions, CAJUPANA was disabled during a year. Only in the end of 2014 the Bishop Dom Tome - Archdiocese of Nampula, indicated the management of CAJUPANA to the congregation of Comboniane Sisters. The new management has taken the initiative to seek CAFOD to ask for support in projects on land issues, and in parallel, o this project claim the CAJUPANA and The bishop requested for support to creates the work condition on this commission. for this propose they asked CAFOD for any donation of various materials if they are absolutes and available. For the full operation condition the Diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace of Nampula need the following materials: -- To reinforce the safety and create a better work environment with small repairs such as: installation of security grilles, change 2 door and window replacement and painting the office. - To equip the office with appropriate furniture as a follows: desk, chairs, file cabinets, bookcases, etc. - To equip this thirst with: Computer, printer, fax and photocopier, as well as internet. - A vehicle for work in the field and our preference 4X4 because the area is difficult to access, even if this is second hand.