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Community Organizations Firenze University Press
Firenze University Press
Firenze University Press
FU Press
Publishing Company

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(+39) 055 2757700


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L’Università di Firenze ha mostrato attenzione nei confronti dell’editoria digitale sin dal 2000, con un progetto varato sperimentalmente all’interno del Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo.


In seguito al successo di questa iniziativa viene creata Firenze University Press (FUP) con Decreto Rettorale n. 232 del 15 maggio 2003

Nell’anno seguente FUP viene trasformata in Centro Editoriale di Ateneo, rafforzando la sua posizione all’interno della Università di Firenze. Questa assicura da una parte un indotto di gran pregio per il materiale delle pubblicazioni della Casa Editrice, dall’altra si pone come garanzia di qualità di tutta la produzione. 

FUP, in prima linea nella continua ricerca di eccellenza e di innovazione tecnologica, ha compreso l’importanza di investire non solo nella produzione e distribuzione dei contenuti, ma anche nella loro conservazione attraverso l’archiviazione delle copie cartacee e digitali delle opere pubblicate presso le Biblioteche Nazionali e favorendo l’integrazione con gli archivi aperti a partire dal repository istituzionale dell’Università di Firenze:
FLORE (Florence Research)  

Nel 2007 Firenze University Press ha presieduto il convegno “L’editoria universitaria tra ricerca e mercato” presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze. 



Displaying 6 - 10 of 28

Greenweb and the landscape. A WebGIS –DRSA valuation pattern for the programs of slow viability in Syracuse Province

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2016

The territory of Syracuse is composed of different important natural, cultural and anthropic landscape complexes. As a whole, the territory is affected by an inhomogeneous development pattern, mostly oriented to the waterfront. A greenways land policy based on an effective land marketing pattern might reduce this gap. The study assumes an axiological approach to land planning, combining a qualitative valuation model based on a WebGIS-MAVT tool, and an interactive multicriteria tool based on and a DRSA pattern.

Caratteristiche fondiarie e sostenibilità globale in agricoltura: un’esplorazione in Campania

Peer-reviewed publication
февраля, 2015

This paper aims to assess the state of the agricultural global sustainability and the role that, with respect to the objective, can develop the characteristics of the land factor. The results show, at farm level, a trade-off between environmental and socio-economic sustainability in terms of altitude, of some productive potential of the land and in correspondence with an enlargement of the farm size. Moreover, the land factor plays a potential role also in terms of improvement of the global sustainability; a result this, that attributes great relevance to the land values.

Percezione del rischio da campi elettromagnetici in presenza di servitù di elettrodotto: incidenza sul valore dei fondi agricoli

Peer-reviewed publication
июля, 2014

In recent years, the media impact of the damage from electromagnetic fields generated by high voltage power lines on human health has grown considerably. Hence, judges increasingly require the assessment of the compensation concerning the land depreciation for the “perception” of the health risk from land market operators, regardless of the land use and the ascertainment of the health damage.

Real estate surfaces appraisal

Peer-reviewed publication
июля, 2014

In the appraisal of the market value of the properties are applied two important surface indexes: the market surface ratio of the secondary surfaces and the ratio of the site value to total value (allocation method).

A new interest by the Italian legislator for the Agricultural land consumption

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2014

The paper begins from testing a renewed interest by the Italian legislator about aspects of land ownership, and examines recent proposals of regulatory measures presented in the years 2012 and 2013. Therefore are taken into account the law projects concerning the so called ‘Consumption’ of agricultural land, presented to the Parliament by the Italian government either in September 2012 then in June 2013, following the election of the new Parliament in the Spring of 2013.