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Community Organizations Centre for Development and Enterprise
Centre for Development and Enterprise
Centre for Development and Enterprise
Non-profit organization
Phone number
011 482 5140


5 Eton Road
South Africa
Postal address
PO Box 72445, Parkview 2122
Working languages

The Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) is an independent policy research and advocacy organisation. It is one of South Africa’s leading development think tanks, focusing on critical national development issues and their relationship to inclusive economic growth and democratic consolidation. By examining South African and international experience, CDE formulates practical policy proposals outlining ways in which South Africa can tackle major social and economic challenges. CDE has a special focus on the role of business and markets in development.

Established in 1995 CDE offers policy advice on complex challenges to all stakeholders, including government, our private sector funders and the broader public. The advice is informed by rigorous research, drawing on both international and local literature, reflecting lessons and experiences from both the public and private sectors, and high-level discussion.

CDE has a full-time staff of about 20 people and a core of senior consultants, and makes extensive use of local and international academics and other experts. Research produced for CDE is distilled into summary reports containing proposals that are intensively tested before different audiences prior to being released.

CDE runs an active outreach programme, aimed at disseminating its research and proposals as efficiently as possible. Thanks to its convening power, expert stakeholders are commonly brought together to debate research findings and policy proposals, and invited to take action.



Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Land Reform in South Africa. Getting back on track

Reports & Research
мая, 2008
South Africa

Includes case studies: land market dynamics and land reform in Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and Mpumalanga; current government programmes and policies; South Africa’s land market and land reform; private sector contributions to land reform; 3 agri-business sectors and land reform – fruit, timber, sugar; research conclusions: key challenges to land reform now; where are we now, and where are we heading?; getting back on track: CDE’s recommendations.

Land Reform in South Africa: a 21st Century Perspective

Reports & Research
июня, 2005
South Africa

Includes recent political and policy developments, research findings and conclusions, a wider national picture, changing the discourse, a challenge to the private sector, South Africa faces a choice. Argues that South Africa’s current land reform model is largely informed by an outmoded vision of the role of agriculture and the rural areas in South African society, so is overloaded with expectations it cannot fulfil. Land reform is now predominantly an urban challenge.