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Library Traditional land matters – a look into land administration in tribal areas in KwaZulu-Natal

Traditional land matters – a look into land administration in tribal areas in KwaZulu-Natal

Traditional land matters – a look into land administration in tribal areas in KwaZulu-Natal

Resource information

Date of publication
ноября 2004
Resource Language
License of the resource

This paper is concerned primarily with the functions of land administration. Its
purpose is to describe the current land administration practices as understood by
traditional structures with a view to unpacking some of the components of the existing
African tenure arrangements in KwaZulu-Natal. This, it is hoped, will help to create a
base to understand how communal land systems operate, regardless of which structure
governs them, in order to support practices that secure tenure effectively.

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Authors and Publishers

Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s)

Ruari Alcock and Donna Hornby

Geographical focus