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Afar National Regional State Rural Lands Administration and Use Proclamation No. 49/2009.

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation of the Afar National Regional State establishes a rural land administration system that is suitable for natural resource management and protection and that incentivizes investment within the traditional clan-based communal land tenure system. Laws that pertain to lands designated as forest lands, wildlife sanctuaries, biodiversity protected lands, environmental and natural resource conservation and preservation areas shall not be affected by this Proclamation. The Proclamation, among other things: provides for survey, registration, certification etc.

Zambia Vision 2030

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The National Long Term Vision 2030 (Vision 2030) is Zambia's first ever written long-term plan, expressing Zambians’ aspirations by the year 2030. The formulation process utilized both top-down and bottom-up approaches, where various stakeholders at both national and regional level were consulted.The Zambian people’s vision is to become “a prosperous middle income nation by 2030”.

National Land Policy.

National Policies
Saint Lucia

Land is and will remain a primary asset for national development, performing multiple social, economic, ecological and cultural functions. In our vision, land, including both terrestrial and marine areas, will contribute to economic development in agriculture, fisheries, tourism, trade, manufacturing and other sectors. It will also provide the space for all Saint Lucians to live and shelter, it will contribute to food security for the nation and good nutrition for all its citizens.

National Land Policy of Sierra Leone.

National Policies
Sierra Leone
Western Africa

The Final National Land Policy (NLP) of Sierra Leone provides the vision, principles and policy components to give direction to and definition of the roles and responsibilities of various government and customary authorities, and other non-state actors, in land management. Specifically, it enunciates policy statements in respect of the key components of the National Land Policy such as access to land and tenure, land use, regulation and the management of special land issues, land administration structures, land laws and the Constitution.

Política para la equidad de género en el Agro Hondureño, 1999-2015.

National Policies
Central America

El presente documento tiene por objeto la Política para la equidad de género en el Agro Hondureño, de alcance nacional y relativa al período 1999-2015. Su objetivo general consiste en institucionalizar y operacionalizar un proceso que permita el fortalecimiento y la ampliación de oportunidades económicas, sociales, políticas y culturales en igualdad de condiciones a las mujeres rurales, a fin de reducir al año 2015 la brecha de género existente en el agro hondureño.

Ley Nº 5.446 – Políticas públicas para mujeres rurales.

South America

La presente Ley tiene como objetivo general promover y garantizar los derechos económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales de las mujeres rurales, para alcanzar su empoderamiento y desarrollo. Se entiende por mujer rural a la mujer cuyos medios de vida e ingresos están directa o indirectamente relacionados con la agricultura, la ganadería, artesanía u otra actividad productiva que se desarrolle en el ámbito rural y que se encuentre en situación de vulnerabilidad social, económica y cultural.

Regulation regarding the transfer of ownership of the agricultural lands.

Western Asia

This Regulation sets forth the principles and procedures regarding the transfer of agricultural land, the procedures of succession, inheritance and valuation. It also sets out provisions on the acreage and economic integrity of adequate income agricultural lands. The Regulation further determines the features of the eligible heir.

Implements: Law No. 5403 on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization. (2005-07-03)

Probate and Administration of Estates Act (Cap. 352).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides with respect to the administration of estates of deceased persons and the depository of wills. The High Court shall have jurisdiction in all matters relating to probate and the administration of deceased's estates, with power to grant probates of wills and letters of administration to the estates of deceased persons and to alter or revoke such grants.

Rural Land Administration Proclamation of the Federal Government of Ethiopia (No. 89/1997).

Eastern Africa

This basic piece of legislation sets out principles and lays the foundations for laws relative to land tenure and administration of rural land are to be enacted by Regional Councils in respect of each Region of Ethiopia and in accordance with the present Proclamation, laws on environmental protection and land utilization policies. (Rural) land is declared to be a common property of the “Nations, Nationalities and Peoples” of Ethiopia and it is prescribed that land shall not be subject to sale or other means of exchange.

Plan Nacional de Igualdad y Equidad de Género 2007-2017 (PLANEG II).

National Policies
Dominican Republic

El presente documento contiene el Plan Nacional de Igualdad y Equidad de Género 2007-2017 (PLANEG II), un plan marco que guía el accionar del país en la construcción de una sociedad que reserve un trato igualitario a la mujer salvaguardando sus derechos en función de sus necesidades particulares y universales. El plan tiene alcance nacional y adopta una perspectiva de mediano plazo, relativo al período 2007-2017. La cuestión de la igualdad de género es abordada desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos.

Agriculture Gender Strategy.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The development of the Agriculture Gender Strategy is in line with Rwanda’s Constitution of 2003, the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS), the National Gender Policy and MINAGRI’s Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture in Rwanda-Phase II (PSTA-II). These provide the need for equality between men and women and boys and girls in all spheres of socio-economic development.