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Conveyances (Voluntary) Act.


This Act concerns the validation of bona fide voluntary conveyance of lands, tenements or hereditaments. “Conveyance” includes every mode of disposition mentioned or referred to in specified enactments. This Act does not apply in any case in which the author of a voluntary conveyance of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments has subsequently, but before the passing of this Act disposed of or dealt with the same lands, tenements, or hereditaments to or in favour of a purchaser for value.

Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984.

South-Eastern Asia

This Act, consisting of ten Parts, applies only to the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan and makes provision in matter of land family ownership as follows: Section 5: A marriage shall be solemnized in accordance with Islamic Law by the wali, the woman’s guardian for marriage, or his representative, in the presence of the Registrar. Section 8: The minimum age for marriage is set at 18 years for the man and 16 for the woman. Exception might be made where the Syariah judge has granted his permission in writing in special circumstances.

Distribution Act, No. 300, 1958, revised in 1983.

South-Eastern Asia

This Act, consisting of ten Sections and one Schedule, applies to Peninsular Malaysia only and makes provision in matter of land family ownership as follows: The distinction between wives and husbands in terms of the distribution of the estate of an intestate to the surviving spouse was repealed. Previously, a wife who survived her husband was entitled to only one-third of her husband’s estate but the surviving husband was entitled to his wife’s whole estate (13). Section 6 explains how the property of any person who dies intestate shall be distributed: i.

Act No. 203 making provision on agrarian contracts.

Southern Europe

This Act lays down provisions relating to agrarian contracts, giving particular regard to lease and sharecropping. The Act is divided into three different Titles. Title I regulates lease of agricultural lands and sets out detailed rules in matter of duration (the minimum duration is up to fifteen years), tacit renewal, withdrawal and annulment. Article 8 lays down rules for determining the fair rent. Title II of the Act deals with the conversion of lease into other contracts, such as sharecropping. Article 49 (Title III) provides for the transmission of rights on lands to heirs.

Administration of Estates Act (Cap. 45).

Eastern Africa

This Act concerns the administration of real estate and personal property of a deceased person by an administrator or executor by will. The Act also makes provision for the distribution of estates under intestate and other administration or disposal of assets. The Administrator and Registrar General shall initiate the procedure for Letters of Administration. The estate of every person dying intestate after the date of the operation of this Act shall devolve upon the Administrator and Registrar-General.

Succession, Probate and Administration Act 1976 (Act No. 21 of 1976).


An Act relating to the administration of estates of deceased persons. "Administration" means probate of the will of a deceased person, and includes letters of administration of the estate of a deceased person, granted with or without a will annexed, for general, special, or limited purposes, and in the case of a trustee corporation includes an order to administer and an election to administer. The Act regulates granting of administration and contains rules regarding administration of estates.

Transfer of Immoveable Property Restriction Act, 1987.

South-Eastern Asia

This Law, consisting of five Chapters, regulates the requirements to transfer the land ownership of any immoveable property. It specifies terms and conditions to deal with land, benefits from the land, building and things constructed or situated on that land and things installed on those buildings. It establishes land property restrictions, registration, offences and penalties.

Amended by: Law Amending the Transfer of Immoveable Property Restriction Law (The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 1/2005). (2005)

Decreto Ley Nº 1.939 - Normas sobre Adquisición, Administración y Disposición de los Bienes del Estado.

South America

Las presentes disposiciones establecen el marco normativo que regula la adquisición, la administración y los actos de disposición de las tierras fiscales. Dichas facultades serán ejercidas a través del Ministerio de Tierras y Colonización.

Wills Act.


This Act makes provision with respect to inheritance by will. It also concerns inheritance of freehold estates in another manner than by will. The Act concerns, among other things, the making of a will, validity, execution of a will and revocation of a will.

Succession, Probate and Administration Act (Cap 60).


This Act provides rules relative to succession in case of death. The Act makes provision, among other things, for: court jurisdiction and powers; probate and administration of estates; Distribution of real and personal estate of intestate; and caveats. If an executor who has obtained probate, or an administrator with the will annexed, after request in writing neglects or refuses to: execute a transfer of land devised to a devisee such devisee may apply to court for an order upon such executor or administrator to comply with such request.

Administration of Estates - Estates and Fiduciary Relations (Chapter 03 of Title 40).

American Samoa

This Chapter makes provision for the administration of estates of deceased persons. The estates of deceased persons shall be administered in the Trial Division of the High Court, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction over such estates. Section 5 defines the priority for granting letters of administration of estates to relatives, creditors or persons appointed by the trail division of the High Court. Sections 6 and 7 concern qualifications of administrators and executors.

Guardianship - Estates and Fiduciary Relations (Chapter 04 of Title 40)

American Samoa

This Chapter makes provision for guardianship in relationship with adminsitartion of estates of a minor or of a person who is for any cause mentally or physically incompetent to manage his own property. Guardianship proceedings shall be administered in the Trial Division of the High Court, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction over guardianships. Section 3 defines the qualifications of guardianship. Every guardian shall have power to sell the personal estate which has come into his hands, under such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Trial Division of the High Court.