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Displaying 1969 - 1980 of 2836

The Agrofuel Industry in Tanzania: A Critical Inquiry into Challenges and Opportunities

Reports & Research
февраля, 2008

Biofuel development in Tanzania places at stake 4 highly strategic national resources: land, water, forests and labour, and for generations to come. This alone is sufficient reason for the Tanzanian general public and rural communities in particular, to wrestle back the initiative and seek direct engagement in determining the best way forward for the nation.

Desafios do Desenvolvimento Rural em Moçambique: Contributo Crítico com Debate de Postulados Básicos

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2008

Quando do Ministério da Planificação e Desenvolvimento veio a solicitação para que apresentasse uma palestra sobre os desafios do desenvolvimento rural, foi-me dito que deveria usar uma abordagem que provocasse a reflexão e a discussão crítica. Evidentemente, sem que eu próprio reflectisse criticamente sobre os desafios do desenvolvimento rural estaria incapaz de ajudar quem quer que fosse a fazer o mesmo. Lancei-me, então, na tarefa de construir um quadro analítico provocador e crítico que servisse para construir esta conversa. É este raciocínio que aqui pretendo apresentar.

Women's Right to Land: Voices from Grassroots Movement and Working Women's Alliance from Gujarat

Reports & Research
февраля, 2008
Central Asia
Southern Asia

Studies have shown that a key factor associated with rural poverty is access to land. Yet in many parts of India there remains a huge gender gap in land ownership and control - with significant implications for women's economic and social status.

Implemetating the 1997 Land Law of Mozambique

Other legal document
января, 2008

this short paper will discuss where things currently stand with the  implamentation of the innovative and widely regarded 1997 land law of Mozambique. A recent assessment begens with the upbeat conclusion that significant progress has been made. A decade  after its approval by the assembly there are howver many voices calling for a changes. Mozambique is apparantly a very  diferent place compared with a vary diferent place compared with the  mid 1990s and according to same, now requires  a diferrent kind of land law.


Reports & Research
января, 2008

This is the second in a series of land studies for northern Uganda, whose core objective is to inform the Plan for Recovery and Development of Northern Uganda (PRDP) and the National Land Policy. It builds on the work of the first phase conducted in Teso region to present a more quantitative analysis of trends on disputes and claims on land before displacement, during displacement and emerging trends or occurrences on return for Acholi and Lango sub-regions.

Land Policy Options for Development and Poverty Reduction

Reports & Research
января, 2008

Presentation of civil society views for pro-poor land policies and laws in Zambia. Includes introduction and background; overview of the land policy options paper; context setting for policy development; policy options; implementation framework. Lays emphasis on protection of customary land, ability to convert leasehold back to customary land, need for size limits, 30% state land allocation should go to women, awareness raising on joint registration.

Law of Succession Act (2008)

января, 2008

The Act regulates succession in Estonia. Specifically, it provides that succession is the transfer of the property of a person upon his or her death to another person. A bequeather is a person whose property transfers upon his or her death to another person. An estate is the property of a bequeather. An estate does not include the rights and obligations of the bequeather which pursuant to law or by their nature are inseparably bound to the person of the bequeather. Notably, special rules govern the legal relations involving the property that is included in the land register.

Integrating women into mining operations: the examples of Newmont Ghana and Lonmin South Africa

января, 2008

Mining has not always had good press in the development arena, due to a history of inadequate environmental and social governance. This short paper argues that there is enormous opportunity to be had in including women in mining operations. The author looks at how International Finance Corporations’ (IFC) Gender Program was able to implement strategies to help two IFC mining clients better integrate women into their operations. The author highlights how in so doing, IFC has contributed to the clients’ sustainability objectives and to improved performance through greater gender diversity.

Women, slums and urbanisation: examining the causes and consequences

января, 2008
Eastern Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Asia
Latin America and the Caribbean

Countries throughout the world are rapidly urbanising, particularly in the developing world, and for the first time in human history, the majority of people today are no longer living in rural areas, but rather in cities. This report examines the worldwide phenomenon of urbanisation from the point of view of women’s housing rights.

From Being Property of Men to Becoming Equal Owners? Early Impacts of Land Registration and Certification on Women in Southern Ethiopia

Reports & Research
декабря, 2007

Traditionally, the land tenure system in Southern Ethiopia may be characterised by patrilineal inheritance and virilocal residence. Young girls have very little influence over when and whom to marry. Further, they have to go to a husband that their clan or family has identified for them, meaning that they after marriage move to the home of their new husband and inherit no land from their parents. Bride prices and dowries are commonly used, and girls are seen as the property of the husband and his clan. This also implies that if the husband dies, his wife is still the property of his clan.

Gendering Land Tools

Training Resources & Tools
декабря, 2007

This publication, from the Global Land Tool Network, presents a mechanism for effective inclusion of women and men in land tool development and outlines methodologies and strategies for systematically developing land tools that are responsive to both women and men’s needs. Equal property rights for women and men are fundamental to social and economic gender equality. However, women often face discrimination in formal, informal and customary systems of land tenure.