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Remote Sensing for Measuring Urban Heat Islands and Constructing Heat Vulnerability Indices

02 августа 2022 - 11 августа 2022

Structures such as buildings, roads, and other infrastructure absorb and re-emit the sun’s heat more than natural landscapes such as forests and water bodies. Urban areas, where these structures are highly concentrated and greenery is limited, become “islands” of higher temperatures relative to outlying areas.


08 июня 2021

Positive futuremaking starts when space, time and land with its inhabitants are brought and thought together, when diverse forms of life on, with and off the land can be accepted as valid elements of futuremaking; when unnecessary distinctions among livelihoods and forms of existence are overcome; and when all members of society are trusted to cooperate to build states on peaceful terms.

NASA Earth Observations for Energy Management

01 июня 2021 - 22 июня 2021

Energy impacts everything we do, from providing basic services such as cooking and cleaning to providing development opportunities and improving overall quality of life. However, energy management, through energy production, transmission, and distribution, is impacted by environmental and climate conditions, including weather patterns or extremes and climate change.

How to Report On SDG Land Targets in 2021: Introductory Session for Government Partners

26 октября 2020
United States

All the UN member states have committed to achieve the Sustainable Development Targets by 2030. However, there is a clear gap between what is being committed and the delivery of the commitments. For example, in 2020 National Voluntary Reports only seven countries reported on specific land targets. No country reported on the all three key land targets.

Land Portal Foundation
International Land Coalition
Landesa - Rural Development Institute