Community / Land projects / Oxfam Australia (Sri Lanka)
Oxfam Australia (Sri Lanka)
06/16 - 10/16
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Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
We supported the creation and the development of communication and media material (i.e. stories, video, photos#) for a global campaign spike on indigenous and community land rights, to raise #global awareness# on the subject. This action contributed to the Land Rights Now campaign, which is a worldwide initiative of more than 600 organizations and communities that aim at doubling the area ofland formally recognized as owned or controlled by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Oxfam plays a major role in shaping and driving the campaign. The Land Rights Now campaign is a bottom-up campaign and is primary objective is to support ongoing nationalcampaigns in the area of Indigenous and community land rights. The secondary objective is to promote global awareness on this issue, so as to enable changes at national level. In 2016, Oxfam will focus on 4-6 countries to highlight either i) specific cases of land grabbing or injustice around indigenous and community land rights or ii) symbolic cases #including positive stories # that can describe a larger systemic situation, that needs to be addressed. In this context we issued an internal call for expression of interest to submit cases that may support #global# awareness raising. A case submitted byOxfam in Sri Lanka has been identified as a suitable case, according to pre-established criteria. This grant supports the development of material for public campaigning in Peru on this case.