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Community / Land projects / Global Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) Platform Phase II B: Unified Support Platform and

Global Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) Platform Phase II B: Unified Support Platform and


06/22 - 03/27


This project is part of


To provide streamlined support and capacity building at the country, regional, and global level to enable Non Annex I countries under the UNFCCC and developing countries under the Paris Agreement to better respond to reporting requirements and to catalyze increased ambition within country NDCs to contribute to the stated temperature goal of well below 2 degrees and if possible 1.5 degrees.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

This project will ultimately contribute to enhanced ambitions in reducing GHG emissions. Improved coordination will generate synergies and avoid duplication across support initiatives and efforts, freeing resources for additional efforts in the global aim to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. Similarly, the enhanced availability of knowledge through a centralized coordination platform will help countries increase their transparency capacity and, as a result, their capacity to report progress on their NDCs and long-term policy planning, providing for increased ambition.In the area of climate change, the project will increase climate-related knowledge through improved GHG inventories and transparency frameworks and will disseminate good practice to developing countries, which will in turn allow them to undertake more robust mitigation activities. Furthermore, capacity improvements related to climate change adaptation and guidance on including robust adaptation goals in NDCs will generate adaptation-related benefits, but they may also generate benefits in other global environmental areas, such as biodiversity and land degradation through improved REDD+ capacity.

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