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Community Organizations Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova
Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova
Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova
University or Research Institution


Strada Mirceşti 42
Working languages

The Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova (Biblioteca Republicană Ştiinţifică Agricolă a Universităţii Agrare de Stat din Moldova) is a university library and national information and documentation center in agricultural science.


IRAS SAUM is the Institutional Repository in Agricultural Sciences of the State Agrarian University of Moldova that collects, preserves and provides access to articles published in the scientific journals, annals, conference and workshop papers, doctoral theses, educational materials created by academic community. IRAS is included in OpenDOAR, ROAR and DuraSpace Registry.



Displaying 46 - 48 of 48

Lessons from development strategies: socio-economic impacts of land policy in the Republic of Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2007

In this paper, the author considers the impacts of land reform on privatization and ownership structure of agricultural land, as well as on agricultural and rural developments. The analysis is based on official statistical sources, data and results of several questionnaire-based surveys. The main idea of the paper – it is necessary to flow the land from large corporate farms to small family farms, until equilibrium will not be created between those two farm sectors, as is commonly observed in market economies.

Principiile de determinare a eficienţei consolidării terenurilor agricole

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2006

In the article the results of the agrarian reform in the village Semionovca from Stefan Voda district were examined. There has been studied the project of a small peasant farm for one plot of land and the elements of the land use and land management. Some economic parameters were determined in order to demonstrate the efficiency of land consolidation.

Land consolidation as a factor for successful development of agriculture in Moldova

Reports & Research
november, 2005

Since 1991, Moldova has carried out a wide range of radical reforms affecting its social and economic system. The land reform, which was practically completed in 2000, created over 1 million landowners among the rural population. Many of them entrusted their land to managers of newly created corporate farms. Others used their privately owned land to establish independent family farms. The creation of independent family farms (so-called "peasant farms") was one of the primary goals of the land reform. More than 280,000 peasant farms have been created, averaging 1,86 hectares in size.