Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs, research organizations etc.
Displaying 2071 - 2075 of 2112Land Management/Cadastre
The central cadastre authority, communal cadastre authorities as well as relevant ministries and authorities improve the institutional and organizational framework conditions for ownership protection.
Conservation of Biodiversity and Forest Management
In the peripheral area of Kahuzi-Biega National Park, smallholders are supported in the application of local agricultural production / reforestation systems on 1,000 ha of land secured by modern land titles. The program plans to support smallholders (men and women) in obtaining land titles (customary land titles), including the cadastre of each plot supported through geolocation.
Livelihood improvement through sustainable resource management in North Gondar
The overall objective of the programme is the improvement of livelihood opportunities and resilience of selected rural communities in North Gondar through sustainable resource management. The programme promotes integrated watershed management, improved rural land administration and access to land for poor farmers and vulnerable groups, sustainable agricultural/livestock production and marketing, including diversification of livelihood opportunities.
Umurage wEjo, the Legacy for Tomorrow: Land and Livelihood in Rwanda
The overall objective is to strengthen decentralised implementation of land and livelihood policies in all districts of Rwanda. Specific objectives include: 1) Create opportunities for engagement and dialogue between local authorities, NSAs, and citizens, especially youth and other vulnerable groups, on policies related to land and livelihood; 2) Build capacity of Local Authorities and NSAs (media and civil society) at the local level to be more effective in ensuring appropriate implementation of policies related to land and livelihood
The Land Matrix Initiative Phase 2: Open Data for Transparency and Accountability on Land and Investment
In order to further promote up-to date and reliable information on large-scale land acquisitions, contribute to the empowerment of weaker stakeholders and to correcting information asymmetries that negatively influence decisions over land, the program aims at supporting the Land Matrix Initiative Global Observatory as the primary reference point for data, information, and knowledge on large-scale land acquisitions, developing national, regional and thematic Land Observatories, and scaling up and creating momentum through replication, sharing, and up scaling of experiences and best practices of Land Observatories.