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Community Organizations Grupo de Governança de Terras / Unicamp
Grupo de Governança de Terras / Unicamp
Grupo de Governança de Terras / Unicamp
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+55 19 3521-0046


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Com o objetivo de proporcionar o debate e a troca de experiência em relação às questões de terra no Brasil e no mundo, o Grupo de Governança de Terras do IE/Unicamp, promove pesquisas, estudos e assessorias no tema, bem como um evento anual sob o mesmo escopo. O Seminário Internacional de Governança de Terras e Desenvolvimento Econômico, em suas diferentes edições, têm proporcionado um espaço plural de discussão, reunindo os principais atores e instituições envolvidos com o tema, promovido importantes debates e discussões sobre tópicos relevantes no âmbito brasileiro e mundial.  



Displaying 16 - 20 of 39

As águas minerais no Brasil: uma análise do mercado e da institucionalidade para uma gestão integrada e sustentável

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2015
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

O presente artigo visa apresentar uma análise geral do mercado de águas minerais no Brasil, envolvendo para isso três considerações importantes: primeiramente analisa-se a estrutura de mercado predominante neste segmento, abordando-se a evolução e principais grupos que compõem o mercado brasileiro de águas minerais; posteriormente faz-se uma breve referência ao quadro legal e institucional sobre as águas minerais; e por fim, analisam-se direcionamentos para uma gestão ambiental integrada e sustentável nesse segmento.

Land grab in Brazil caused by lack of land governance

Conference Papers & Reports
februari, 2015
South America

Brazil has the fifth-largest national land area in the world and this land resource represents a critical asset for the country’s urban, agricultural, and economic development, also providing essential environmental services. Nevertheless, it has a historical lack of governance over its lands, failing to provide secure land rights and to control the extensive frauds resulting in public and private land grabs. The objective of this study is to depict evidence of these land grabs and propose a typology for analyzing them.

Brazilian public land destination: a case study of the Terra Legal federal initiative and the province of Mato Grosso’s Land Institute.

Conference Papers & Reports
februari, 2015
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America
At the turn of the 21st century, we can see that Brazil, the 5th largest country in the world, has been successful in developing a modern export-led agriculture distributed over large areas and also achieved a good economic performance especially through the global economic crisis after 2008.

Brazilian Amazon Deforestation and land governance

Conference Papers & Reports
februari, 2015
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America
This article ́s aim is to show that the main cause of deforestation in the Amazon rain forest is the lack of land governance. The deforestation occurs manly because property rights are not clearly establish, and occurs on land ruled directly or indirectly related to the state. After making a literature review on the Amazon region deforestation causes it will show, with data from PRODES (published by IMAZON, IPAN and ISA), on deforestation for the Amazon region and for the states revealing the main landowners types in which deforestation occurs more frequently.

In Brazilian land ownership issues, History not only matters - it is determinant

Conference Papers & Reports
februari, 2015
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

From colonial to modern times, Brazilian agricultural property has remained immersed in a chaotic vortex of deregulation. Attempts of institutional reform - such as the Lei de Terras (Land Law) of 1850 - have been largely unsuccessful, whilst providing legal grounds for land grab by large estates and narrowing the scope of possibilities open for legitimate reevaluations of the first institutional landmark on land use and ownership in the country - the sesmarias.