Resource information
Latvia is an independent democratic republic (Article 1). The sovereign power of the State of Latvia is vested in the people of Latvia (Article 2). The State shall recognize and protect fundamental human rights in accordance with this Constitution, laws and international agreements binding upon Latvia (Article 89). Everyone has the right to know about their rights (Article 90). Everyone has the right to own property. Property shall not be used contrary to the interests of the public. Property rights may be restricted only in accordance with law. Expropriation of property for public purposes shall be allowed only in exceptional cases on the basis of a specific law and in return for fair compensation (Article 105). The State shall protect human health and guarantee a basic level of medical assistance for everyone (Article 111). The State shall protect the right of everyone to live in a benevolent environment by providing information about environmental conditions and by promoting the preservation and improvement of the environment (Article 115). It consists of 116 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General Principles (I); Saeima (Parliament) (II); The President (III); The Cabinet (IV); Legislation (V); and Courts (VI).