The Potentials Of Artificial Intelligence In Improving Africa Informal Cross Border Trade. : What Works, What Doesn’T, And What’S Next To Africans?
Context and background
Context and background
Context and background:
Suite à l’augmentation pléthorique sans cesse croissant des effectifs des étudiants dans les quatre Universités de Bamako (USJPB, USSGB, ULSHB, USTB), les violences estudiantines perpétrées à cet effet au niveau de toutes les Facultés de ces structures d’une part.
Cette étude s'inscrit dans une démarche de réflexion qui vise à préserver le foncier agricole contre l'urbanisation rapide, en particulier les terres fertiles. L’enjeu est de maintenir la productivité et la rentabilité de l'agriculture.
The present structure of polling units was created in 1996 by the defunct National Electoral Commission of Nigeria (NECON), which created 120,000 polling units and 8,809 wards (Registration Areas) to serve the purpose of registration center and voting exercise.Goal and Objectives:The aim of the study is to carryout mapping and spatial distribution of polling units to enhance voting progress in
Can the establishment of private property rights to land improve child health and nutrition outcomes? We exploit a natural experiment in the Kyrgyz Republic following the collapse of socialism, whereby the government rapidly liquidated state and collective farms containing 75 percent of agricultural land and distributed it to individuals, providing 99-year transferable use rights.
The global discourse within the realm of agriculture has been dominated with challenges of food security (FAO, 2022), (HLPE, Food security and nutrition: building a global narrative towards 2030, 2020) loss of biodiversity, environmental pollution and resource degradation and climate change.
Youth transition in the common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) value chain remains low in Ghana and Cameroon despite the potential of the bean sub-sector in reducing poverty, unemployment, and undernutrition. This study compared youth transition in the bean value chain in Ghana and Cameroon.
The department of Caquetá in the Colombian Amazon plays a crucial role in addressing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from food systems, primarily stemming from land use changes, such as the conversion of forests into pastures, and agricultural practices.
Food systems are facing unprecedented challenges from multiple shocks and stresses, including climate events, pandemics, geopolitical events, and economic crises. People, assets and infrastructures throughout supply chains are vulnerable to the impacts, and the consequences for food and nutrition security, livelihoods and economic development, and social equity can be dramatic.
Tracking livestock abortion patterns over time and across factors such as species and agroecological zones (AEZs) could inform policies to mitigate disease emergence, zoonoses risk, and reproductive losses.