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Community / Land projects / Land and Rural Development Activity

Land and Rural Development Activity


08/12 - 08/20


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(Colombia): ...The Land and Rural Development Program (LRDP) supports Government of Colombia (GOC) efforts to provide equitable and secure land tenure for individuals, communities, and businesses, while also enhancing the effectiveness of public investment in the rural agriculture sector, targeting conflict-affected areas of the country. LRDP addresses the root causes and consequences of Colombia's conflict, including land displacement, lack of formal land titles, chronic rural poverty, and limited licit economic opportunities in rural areas. More specifically, LRDP activities provide technical assistance at the national level to speed up GOC land tenure and property rights registration processes; assist the GOC in testing new, more efficient and transparent mechanisms for public expenditure in the rural sector; and pilot new information systems that will allow the GOC to better manage land tenure information across multiple GOC entities..


Objectives for Colombia: Project Objectives: 1) Mobilize public and private sector funds for rural development; 2) Formalize land rights and provision of tenure security; 3) Support restitution for land to victims of conflict; 4) Improve the quality and accessibility of information to expedite land policies.

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