Community / Land projects / Integrated Landscape Management in Dry Miombo Woodlands of Tanzania
Integrated Landscape Management in Dry Miombo Woodlands of Tanzania
03/22 - 12/27
This project is part of
Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
To halt and reverse negative trends of land degradation and biodiversity loss in degraded areas of the Miombo woodlands in the south-west of Tanzania by applying an integrated landscape management approach.
Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.
Target Groups
The project will generate socio-economic benefits by maintaining and enhancing the resource base on which the local communities in Western Tanzania rely for their livelihoods. This includes, but it not limited to: i) increased financial security through diversified livelihoods, bankable business plans, and increased access to financial services; ii) increased food security, associated with better SLM practices, rehabilitated and restored ecosystem services of economic value, and strengthened food value chains; iii) increased tenure security enabled through policy frameworks and participatory land use planning; iv) enhanced/ecologically sensitive forest governance, with community-based forest management (CBFM); and v) women and youth empowerment. This GEF investment will directly contribute to improving the livelihoods of 60,000 individuals in the project intervention areas, including 45% women, through halting and reversing land degradation and biodiversity loss. It will also have at least 150,000 indirect beneficiaries, the majority of whom are smallholders and pastoralists. Moreover, the project will promote full and productive employment and decent work in the target landscape. The project will contribute to the following Pillars of Decent Work: (i) Pillar I - Employment creation and enterprise development, through its Component 2 targeting value chain development, with a focus on the needs and wants of women and youth among others; and (ii) Pillar IV – Governance and social dialogue, through working directly with FFPOs to enhance participation in agriculture and rural development processes, and strengthening decision-making capacity for LDN.