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Community / Land projects / Improvement of land administration BiH Phase 2

Improvement of land administration BiH Phase 2


04/16 - 09/20


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The intervention is a continuation of the CILAP project activities into Phase 2 for the period April 2016-December 2019. The Sweden financed CILAP, Capacity Building in Land Administration, project has as its main activities to strengthen the land administration organizations, development of legislation, develop the geodetic infrastructure, building an address register, sales price register (as the first systematic steps towards land and property valuation), support to ICT, and establishing a digital archive. The phase 2 approach will continue to focus on these areas, i.e. continue with training on improving internal and external communications within the Geodetic Authorities. The new communication strategy will introduce new services and products for end users. Further strengthening of cooperation and improving the knowledge of EU standards regarding prevention of corruption and gender equality will be more in focus in the second phase. Work on developed of relevant legislation and improvement of existing legislation including also the standardization of practice will continue in phase 2. Human resource and business plans and strategies are expected to enter into implementation during phase 2. The long term impact of the CILAP project -- stated as an efficient, secure and reliable land administration system is established-- is considered relevant in regards to the Swedish Government Strategy on Reform Cooperation in Eastern Europe, Western Balkan and Turkey/reform cooperation in Bosnia Herzegovina


The overall objectives is an increased capacity of direct project partners, the RS and FBIH agencies, making the land administration system more efficient secure and reliable. The long term goals of the individual components are as follows:component 1: Well-trained and motivated staff capable to support institutional strengthening and developing of appropriate legislation in order to carry out an efficient land administration which contributes to economic and social development, a sustainable market and usage of real estates in line with the EU standards. The intermediate goal is that the partners are themselves founded on result based management and is also the main assumption. component 2: Central Address Register with updated and accurate data publicly available enabling efficient management of land administration and administrative procedures. The assumption is that unified processes can be developed for the address register between the entities, and that cooperation and exchange of data happens with other authorities (IDDEEA, municipalities) component 3: Contribute to the establishment of stable and transparent property market which will lead to more secured investments and economic development. The assumption of this component goal/result is that the centralized sales price register can be developed, providing correct and reliable data on property transactions. component 4: Provide the land administration and mapping sectors with reliable and accurate data for surveying and other applications through additional and advanced services in the respective entity networks connected to the EPN network (European reference system). The assumption is that technical activities are implemented according to plan. component 5: Access to GA services is through Intranet/Internet, application and other requests possible to follow up by case numbers which contribute to transparent registration procedures. The assumption is the creation of an efficient organization offering e-services. component 6: Geodetic authorities provide transparent, efficient and effective public services and preserve original documents in digital form. Assumption is the establishment of a Digital Archive system.

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