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Community / Land projects / F.a: Tanzania Country Programme

F.a: Tanzania Country Programme


01/23 - 12/23


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The pressure to exploit natural resources, especially forests, is strong in Tanzania. Population growth, growing demand for food, energy and other commodities, as well as illegal logging have negative environmental and social impacts, especially if land-use planning and general governance for the fair and sustainable use of natural resources are weak. The aim of the programme is to restore forests and to expand and develop village forest activities in a climate-sustainable way, through which rural villages earn their livelihood by selling valuables from responsibly managed village forests, as well as other forest products in the East Usambara region. The East Usambara Mountains are a major freshwater catchment area in Tanzania and part of the globally recognized Eastern Arc Mountains biodiversity hotspot. Beneficiaries: Civil society operating in the natural resource sector in Tanzania and the project region, village forest management communities and authorities. Implemented by: WWF Tanzania Partners: Mpingo Conservation & Development Initiative (MDCI) https://www.mpingoconservation.org/, Mtandao wa Jamii wa Usimamizi wa Misitu Tanzania (MJUMITA) https://mjumita.or.tz/home/, Friends of Usambara Society https://www.usambaratravels.com/ Changamoto Youth Development Organization, https://www.changamotoyouth.com/

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