Community / Land projects / CO-OiC Hosting Service
CO-OiC Hosting Service
07/19 - 08/21
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PEM III is the final phase of MACP funded project implementing in the Mekong and trans-boundary 3S region shared Cambodia and Vietnam border. The project builds on the successes of PEM I and II where the increasing non-sustainable development projects such as mining, economic land concession, large-scale hydropower and agroindustry plantation put more pressures on natural resources and ecosystems in the region. Illegal fishing, logging, water pollution and climate change are the facing issues of local community. Communitycapacity and engagement to protect and manage those resources are critical issues to natural resource governance. Community#s interests and voices to inform planning and decision-making is critical to the sustainable management of the Mekong and the 3S. A number of government-led transboundary initiatives are underway to better assess and manage the Mekong and the 3S. This includes but is notlimited to: joint fisheries management plan for the Sekong and Mekong (Laos and Cambodia), the establishment of a coordination mechanism and joint action plan to better manage shared resources of the Sesan and Srepok (Cambodia and Vietnam); and a cumulative impact assessment of energy interventions, including hydro, in the Sekong Basin, supported by the International Finance Corporation. In Vietnam, Srepok River (Vietnam called Dak Krong) is one of major tributaries of the Mekong flowing from ##k L#k province in the Central Highlands of Vietnam through Ratanakiri and Stung Treng provinces of Cambodia. Srepok basin spans over 12,030 square kilometersin Vietnam and a mainstream total length of 290 kilometers. 34 fish species of high economic value have been identified, constituting 17.4 percent of total fish species found in the river providing daily food and employment to thousands local households. However,they are facing challenges including water pollution and shortages due to releases from upstream factories, changed flow regimes that cause extreme flood/drought patterns as a result of dams, and the loss of fish in cages and the river. Natural species and aquatic resources are overexploited. Agriculture activities are condensed in the rivers and the lakes. The livelihoods of some riverine communities are at risk because of reduced income from fisheries, the absence of new or alternative livelihood models and limited market access. Fishery associations were formed 10 years ago but they are not well functioning due to lack of finances and support from local government. The provincial government issued decision number 676/Q#-UBND dated 11/3/2016 for protecting fishery resources in inland water bodies in ##k L#k province up to 2020 and the vision up to 2030, has not been effectively implemented. In Rattanakiri of Cambodia, Srepok river flowdownstream from Vietnam, is one of the most vulnerable provinces with 41.2% poverty rate partly attributed to inequitable access to natural resources and to the negative impacts of climate change. In the downstream of Mekong in Kratie province, two large-scale hydropower projects (2600 and 900MW) have been planned which is the most concerned of local community for potential impacts on ecosystems and aquatic resources for livelihoods. Over exploitation and poor fishery governance lead to decreased fisherycaptures that affect income communities. Illegal fishing and logging are still the issues to be addressed through improve governance. PEM III will focus on the linkage of its community development work more closely to conservation efforts by bringing together partner organizations, conservation NGO partners and targeted communities to share, learn and network and sustain their activities to conserve aquatic resources and river ecosystems. The purpose of the project is #to contribute to the conservation of aquatic resources and river ecosystems in the Mekong, Sesan and Srepok and facilitate a sustainable project exit plan/strategy.# 1) Oxfamwill continue building the capacity of water resource dependent communities to manage their freshwater ecosystems, including community fisheries and other water resources management communities to participate in fishery/water resource management and conservation decision making. The project delivers series of training workshops related to water/fishery resource related laws and regulations and skills including leadership management and sustainable financing. Youth engagement will be one of key priority of the project. 2) Oxfam will deepen partnerships with local and international conservation organizations likeCI/Sci-Cap, WorldFish, and WWF and will strengthen key alliances/network to strengthen Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) in key target areas in the Mekong and the 3S. 3) Oxfam will focus on exit/sustainability strategy to ensure sustainability of PEM I and PEM II supported communities. The project will document lessons learned from PEM (I, II, III) on how natural/water resource dependent communities are empowered toprotect and manage their natural resources to inform future projects. This includes evaluations, reports, and outcome harvesting that Oxfam and partners can share with potential donors for fundraising efforts. Oxfam in Vietnam and its partner, CSRD, PEM project aims to support the rights and voices of vulnerable communities in the Lower Mekong Basin, whose livelihoods are, or may be affected by, large-scale developments. Oxfam in Vietnam and its partner will focus on enhancing local capacity and increased their engagementin water quality monitoring, networking, fishery resource protection and co-management model, sustainable aquaculture (environmentally friendly aquaculture practice) to reduce dependence on water resources. In Cambodia, SCW is working with 14 Fishery Communitiesin Rattanakiri province in 5 districts, 18 communes and 68 villages to develop their capacity, network and develop sustainability strategy of 14 PEM supported fishery communities. The expected outcome of the project is that #Fishery resource dependent communitiesin the 3S regions have sustainableaccess to fisheries resources.# NRD is building capacity and develops sustainability strategy for 11 Fishery Communities in the Mekong, Sambour district, Kratie province. The expected outcome of the project is that #fishery communities and Sambor YouthNetwork (SYN) in the target villages of Sambor district are better informed and assisted in making alternative livelihood and lead to improved food security, social capital and financial stability, by sustainable utilizing their protected natural resourcein their regions, particularly, the deep pools of the Mekong.# Overall Outcome 1: Resource dependent communities in the Mekong and 3S have realized their legal rights to natural resources and increased the knowledge, skills, and networks to sustainablymanage riverine ecosystems and are able to respond to external power interests to protect and preserve their ecosystems. Objective 1: By 2021, 30 communities in Cambodia and Vietnam are recognized as community fisheries and have the skills and knowledge to promote the conservation of freshwater ecosystems in the Mekong and 3S rivers. Objective 2: Communities are networked among themselvesand with other concerned stakeholders to improve conservation outcomes of riverine resources and to support thesustainability of community institutions to continue protecting their resources. Objective 3: The level of illegal activities in 10 Fisheries Communities in Cambodia is subsequently reduced by 70% because of the ability to take on time-action; 10 communities in Vietnam are able to monitor water quality and inform daily access and consumption of water and are able to hold polluters accountable. Objective 4: 200 families in the 30 PEM supported communities will have adopted alternative, more sustainable livelihood options. Overall Outcome 2: Exiting PEM partners are successfully accessing funding and their support to selected communities continues sustainably Objective 5:By 2021, all PEM supported communities will have access to alternative sources offunding to ensure communities are properly supported. PEM III Project Management Unit (PMU) is based in Oxfam in Cambodia. PEM III builds on the experiences and lessons learned from PEM phase 1 and 2 and from other Oxfam natural resource managementprojects and focuses more in-dept on integrating Oxfam#s community development related to conservation efforts in the targeted areas. Sustainability of the project lies in a comprehensive phasing out strategy development and implementation and active engagement of diverse community groups, especially youths in water/fishery resource governance. PEM PMU pays coordinating role in collaboration with focal points in OiC and OiV and its partners will discuss with community to identify key lessons learned, issues and challenges to inform exit strategy and identify funding opportunities to ensure community and partners are integrated into the relevant networks and alliances needed for them to continue with their conservation efforts. Oxfam will coordinate with other MACP grantees (ForumSyd, WorldFish) and other like-minded organizations like WWF to strengthen networking of communities, thus creating a landscape approach to the conservation of fishery and riverine ecosystem, whichalso fosters learning and collaboration. In addition, the project will equip skills to community to enable them to monitor aquatic resources and protect riverine resources and ecosystems by bringing in technical expertise from conservation NGOs and connecting these NGOS to train targeted communities. The most important thing to sustain fishery/river resources is governance # this means that community shall be empowered through skill training, confidence building and encouragement and given opportunities for engagement and voicingandconvince their government to allocate budget for natural resource management.