Community / Land projects / Addressing the emergency humanitarian needs of drought-affected IDPs through integrated Shelter/NFIs and HLP s
Addressing the emergency humanitarian needs of drought-affected IDPs through integrated Shelter/NFIs and HLP s
11/22 - 06/23
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This project is an integrated intervention of two sectors – Shelter and HLP. It is designed to address the risk of famine and improve the protection and lifesaving through shelter/NFIs and HLP response to the drought-affected IDP populations in Baidoa district of Bay region - South West State (SWS). This integrated response is strategically linked with the SHF RA4 2022 for famine prevention. Importantly, this integrated shelter/NFIs and HLP project is targeting the same IDP sites/locations with other sectors for convergence in Badioa. The action based on this grant, HINNA intends to reach 43,516 drought-affected populations – 27,516 for shelter/NFIs and 16,000 for HLP (7,252hhs) in total in Eight (8) IDP sites in Baidoa including minority IDP site through adequate access to each sector in order to meet different needs of the people of concern. The project will use community participatory approach in collaboration with different levels of the community as well as established camp committees who have already participated during assessment survey and project designing stage. Through the selection of project beneficiaries, HINNA will employ predetermined selection criterion by two clusters in work closely with partners in the same location who are implementing other sectors programs for ensuring the integrated response is delivered to people in need for convergence with more consideration of gender mainstreaming. HINNA's main shelter activities is to assist 4,586 IDP HHs (27,516 individuals) in the construction of 1,686 Emergency Shelter Kits (ESKs) to 1,686 IDP HHs and distribution of 2,900 NFIs to 2900 IDP HHs through in-kind modality, It is worthy to note that 1686 hhs who received ESKs will also receive 1686 NFIs due to their vulnerability needs for both ESKs amp NFIs, meant that 1,214 hhs is to receive NFIs only, the total remains 2900 NFIs + 1686 ESKs = 4586hhs. Through selection criteria the project will give more priority the inclusion of persons with disabilities, marginalized and minorities HHs, female-headed HH, pregnant amp lactating women within the project in the project cycle. 4 to 6 weeks after construction and distribution, PCM/PDM will be carried out through hired enumerators to assess the impact on the services and satisfaction level of beneficiaries for future intervention and lesson learned also CRFM will be conducted in the project period. Through HLP response, the project intends to address the HLP issues of drought-affected populations to improve access to and their ability to claim and enjoy their HLP rights. The HLP, as part of integration package with shelter/NFIs in line with SHF SA4 2022, is also to target the same IDP sites by assisting 2,666hhs (16,000 individuals) to enable safe and protective environment, shelter beneficiaries are being considered as primary beneficiaries. In order to ensure the achievement of proposed actions specific to HLP sector the following steps will be taken: HINNA will undertake comprehensive due diligence exercise including land verifications to ensure land allocations are aligned to due diligence requirements and the ownership is secured through legal documentation. The process will include the engagement of project stakeholders though consultative workshops, FGDs, and preparation of due diligence report to facilitate processing of land tenure documents. Community paralegals will be engaged in the consultations with communities and key stakeholders. Furthermore, with support of local government and project communities, beneficiaries will be supported to obtain land tenure documents (occupancy certificates and land tenure agreements). This process will entail beneficiary identification, verification of documents and payment of land tenure fees (notarization costs), printing and facilitating the distribution of land tenure documents.