Moldova Land Code
Moldova Civil Code
Dimensiunea teritorială a exploataţiilor agricole în contextul economiei dezvoltării
Experience in many countries demonstrates that without a clear land policy, it will be difficult or impossible to reduce deep-rooted structural poverty and inequality. The objective of the paper is to investigate the size of family farms in Moldova and other countries in the context of the development economics. In this context, the major factors that determine the farm size are analyzed: placement, inequality of income, average area per 1 inhabitant, and GDP per 1 inhabitant.
Aspecte relevante privind modificările structurale ale fondului funciar in Republica Moldova
This article is investigating some relevant aspects considering structural
changes of the land fund in the Republic of Moldova. Also it is considering the structure
evolution of land fund along 2007-2009 years. The results of the research conclude that
one of the most important rise components of efficient usage of land fund is spread of
fertilizers according to settled standards by scientific research institutions. Economical
efficacy using the land fund may be provided by supplying the agricultural enterprises with
Reforma agrară: concept şi realităţi
The study "Land reform: concept and achievements" the authors Simion Certan and Ion Certan meditate on achieving conception of agrarian reform and social - economic development of the village in Moldova, approved on 15 February 1991 in the Parliament Decision no. 510-a-XII. According to The concept Moldovan government was suposed to make the "land reform, management reform and economic relations agroindustrial complex, providing material, technical and scientific assistance and staffing agro-industrial complex, will help develop social-economic development of the village".
Probleme cu privire la elaborarea sistemelor informatice specifice domeniilor de activitate din Republica Moldova
The purpose of this article is to analyze the state of the IT systems specific to different areas of activity in the Republic of Moldova, aiming at informational provision, permanent monitoring and facilitation of the decision-making processes for sustainable development. The technical, economic, legal, social, methodological aspects of the elaboration and implementation of the specific IT systems as subsystems for the recording and management of real estate are studied.
Analiza potenţialului productiv al fondului funciar din Republica Moldova
In this article, some analysis models regarding land structure and productive capacity of the land fund are examined. Also, there were analyzed the influence of erosions degree and soil quality on the modification of the agricultural land efficiency. It was established that the productive potential of the land fund depends on climatic conditions, which determine the necessity to adjust agriculture to the peculiarities of different regions
Particularităţile juridice privind instituţia înstrăinarii bunurilor cu destinaţie agricolă
Timeliness and the purpose of this article consists in the carrying out of an investigation of complex problems arising from practicing institution disposal of goods intended for agriculture, through the prism of analysis rules governing this matter, leveraging in this respect and legal framework doctrinaire approaches in this field, as well as for the formulation of solutions and proposals for improvement of legislation governing the institution disposal of goods.The main objectives of this article are: defining and creating the concept maintenance condition goods intended for agriculture
Răspunderea juridică pentru încălcarea legislației funciare
In that article it made an analysis of land legislation and legal doctrine on the liability of infringement and violation of rights of land that have connection with the land. The complexity of the investigation was expressed through forms of legal liability for illicit facts which are covered by several branches of law.