One hundred thousand people expected to participate in India's upcoming Jansatyagrah rally | Land Portal

[Jamal Ayub via The Times of India]  Dubbed as one the biggest non-violent actions in the recent past, about one lakh people representing some 2000 organizations, would walk 380 km from Gwalior to Delhi from October 2. The 'Jan Satyagrah Samvad yatra' is aimed to raise attention about land and livelihood rights of marginalized people.

"Marginalized communities have to be given the rightful control over natural resources like land forest and water in order to fight poverty," activist PV Rajagopal, who is also a member of the national land reforms council (NLRC). The walk is aimed at aimed at creating mass awareness about tribals' land rights, dwindling forests and land grab issues, including forcible acquisition of agriculture and forest land from peasants, dalits and forest dwellers, he added.

According to Ekta Parishad, the trans-India Jan Satyagraha Samvad rally began in Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu on October 1, 2011. "We have covered some 70,000 kilometres, passing through 16 states and some 350 villages in the last two years," said Ekta Parishad spokesperson Aneesh Kumar.

The main demands include implementation of the Union government's commitment in 2007 for land reform, effective implementation of Forest Rights Act of 2006, addressing the grievances of the displaced and dispossessed, women's empowerment in the context of sustainable development amongst other.

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